In a world plagued by corruption, monstrous chaos, and the pervasive influence of a malevolent force known as the "Weird," Chen Mo finds himself transported to a land on the brink of destruction. With corrupt officials turning a blind eye to the suffering of the masses and aristocratic families using the Weird to further their own twisted ambitions, the very fabric of reality is unraveling.
Gifted with the mysterious Transformation Pearl, an ancient artifact that allows him to continuously enhance his body beyond human limits, Chen Mo embarks on a perilous journey to protect himself—and those he loves—from the chaos consuming the world. However, each transformation comes at a heavy price, testing his humanity and pushing him closer to the brink of losing himself.
As he uncovers dark secrets about the Weird and the power behind the corruption, Chen Mo must face monstrous creatures, rebellious factions, and ruthless aristocrats. To save the world from total annihilation, he must rise above the forces that seek to consume him, even if it means sacrificing everything he holds dear.
In a battle where the line between man and monster is blurred, Chen Mo must ask himself: how far will he go to wield the power that can save the world... before it consumes him entirely?
Translated by : author_lao
average translation, still quite better than raw. story is same as usual , you would expect from a Chinese novel . what's the raw link???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
the translation is quite good compared to the other translated novels. story is so far good
so far it's going well, the pacing is good too.
so far good please update moreeeeeeeeeee
not bad so far loving it updateeeeeeeeee
I'm liking this one , the mc is good the side characters are good too.
raw link??????????????????????????????????