Noted! is a humorous, slice-of-life comedy that follows a 16-year-old high schooler who hasn’t spoken in years due to a traumatic past. Communicating only through a beat-up notebook, the main character navigates the chaos of high school life with a quirky group of friends who are anything but ordinary. From the overly dramatic Julian, the walking encyclopedia Milo, the mischievous Luca, to the kind and patient Lila, the group’s adventures are filled with hilarious moments and unpredictable antics.
Each chapter brings a new, random, and funny scenario—whether it’s a disastrous talent show performance, a museum field trip gone wrong, or a group project that turns into an absurd disaster. Despite the comedic chaos, the novel also explores themes of friendship, self-expression, and the quiet, yet powerful, bond that forms between the MC and their friends.
In a world full of noise, this group learns that even silence can be a form of communication—and sometimes, the most memorable moments come from the most unexpected places.