In an era where galaxies and star systems are tainted with evergoing wars, Yu Han, an amnesiac boy wakes up in the mountains of Zaohua, a snowy secluded planet. As the boy tries to figure out life, he is met with assassination attempts, betrayals, and nowhere to belong... Until he realizes he possesses a rare life-sustaining core inside him. Rumor has it that those with the Crimson Aegis Core can ascend to Godhood, just like the first Godfather.
The motives of people who wanted his life suddenly made sense, including the Emperor of Zaohua, who poses as an ally to Yu Han and offers him his assets: A mentor, a bodyguard, and even a cute girl! Together, they form a cosmic traveling group with the aim to protect Yu Han and turn him into someone who could defend himself, leading to the activation of the core!
{System Activation Completed: Host is now one step closer to being a God}
Cover artist: @alina._.smthng (on Instagram)