Familial Ties

"You won't believe what I found out?" a woman said as she set her purse on the table of a cafe.

"Evangeline's fiance, cheated on her with her best friend!" she exclaimed.

"What?!" the young woman sitting across from her shouted.

"A week ago, my sister was at a restaurant waiting in line when she saw Evangeline confronting her fiance and her friend basically outing them in public, she even sold the engagement ring, like who does that."

"If he doesn't love you, whose fault is that?"

She looked at her friend grabbing her hand

"Anna, the only reason I even told you this is because you're my friend and I know how much you care for your sister even though she has done nothing but be mean to you. She even has a great family and she chose to be selfish and abandon them, this is her karma."

"I know Gina, thank you for telling me about my sister." Anna said wiping the tears away from her eyes.

"Your sister deserves whatever she's getting, after all these years she still hasn't visited any of you and now you're sad on her behalf, don't cry Anna." Gina got up to hug her.

She never realized the look of joy that took over Anna's face at the thought of Evangeline having her fiance cheating on her.

"It's her own fault, she's always acting high and mighty. Even after all she has done to you and abandoned your family you're still concerned." 

They pulled away

"When I get home I'll talk to our parents, they would want to know how she is." Gina nodded at Anna's statement.

"Let's order something sweet so you can forget these awful things ." Gina smiled before walking to the counter to order their favourite desserts.

'It's been 10 years Eva, you're more pathetic than when you left home.'


"Anna! my sweet girl you're home, how was it hanging out with Gina after not seeing each other for so long?" her mother Carina said bring her into a hug.

"It was great, mom." she replied with a smile.

Thomas Beaumont walks into the room to see his daughter and wife speaking, a small smile spreading across his face. 

Noticing that her father was now present she decided to bring up her conversation with her friend.

"Gina told me that her sister saw Evangeline confronting her fiance and best friend in a crowd of people accusing them of having an affair, she even sold the engagement ring."

A dark look took over both parents' faces especially that of her mother. Anna was always aware of the fact that her mother hated Evangeline and she would use that knowledge to her advantage when they were younger.

It took quite the effort to stop a smile from spreading across her face.

"She didn't even tell us she was engaged and we have to hear from someone else how she disgraced the family in public, this girl does nothing but disappoint me!" Thomas yell

Carina sat silent, anger visible on her face and her knuckles tightened in her lap.

"She never took us into consideration Thomas or she wouldn't have run away 10 years ago." she finally spoke.

"Why did I give birth to such a creature?"

Anna grabbed her mother's hand, "Mom, don't say that, she's my sister no matter what."

Carina brushed her daughter's hair away from her face.

"My sweet girl, you still consider her your sister. Why does my daughter have to suffer for such a person?"

"Dad, why don't you arrange a blind date for my sister? Since her relationship fell through she may need your help."

Thomas looks at Anna, the concern about her sister visible all over her face and in her body language.

"No need to plead my dear, since you asked, I'll do what I can."