It was Thomas Beaumont and his assistant.
Alex glanced down at Eva, he hand tightened around the strap of her handbag. He could tell that Eva's currently exhausted state was as a result of seeing her father yesterday.
"Evangeline! Didn't you hear me calling you? You're still as disrespectful as ever."
Alex glared at Thomas.
"Who the hell do you think you are? What gives you the right to speak to her like that?" Alex intervenes pulling Eva beside him.
Author sees this and speaks up.
"He is her father and you are an outsider, so you don't have any reason to involve yourself."
"And you do? All I can see are two men who have not a shred of respect for Eva. I'm well aware of why you think you have a right to say anything in this matter but let's make something clear. A man who doesn't have a backbone and has to rely on others to achieve something is nothing more than a pathetic, good for nothing weakling."
"You are not her father, at best you're a donor. Do not speak to her in that manner ever again or you'll regret it."
Eric arrived just in time, before either Thomas or Author could say anything, Alex guided Eva into the car before entering after her.
Thomas and Author stood there in shock, not believing what they just heard.
"Author, I want you to find out who that man is and what his relationship is with Evangeline."
"Yes sir."
For the rest of the drive, Eva was quiet.
'Why is Mr. Blackthorne doing this?'
'He's been acting strange since yesterday.'
'Is it all out of pity?'
"Whatever you are thinking, stop it. You have a tendency to self sabotage when you're unsure of something." Alex's voice broke her train of thought.
"You're thinking that I pity you Eva and believe that's the reason I stood up for you."
"Isn't it?" She questioned tilting her head slightly.
"No Eva, it isn't. I can tell that you're tired and likely didn't have the energy to deal with them and I can see that you are still bothered by yesterday's events."
"It sounds like pity to me." she interjected.
'This woman, let me finish.'
"I admire how strong you are, you're not at your best but you still continue. Not many people would be able to do what you're doing. God knows how long you've been self-reliant so much so that you're not used to letting someone help you."
'This man is way too observant, it's frightening.'
Eva stared at him, her eyes wide.
She couldn't deny his words because they were all true.
'This is so strange, what does he want?'
'Why is he saying all of this? He doesn't know me so why?'
"There you go again, stop it." Alex said.
Alex noticed Eva scratching at her index finger.
'She's anxious.'
"There is nothing to worry about, if you feel as though I overstepped, then I apologize but I'm not sorry for defending, in the short time that we have interacted I can tell that you're a strong woman, who has her own thoughts and her own goals to accomplish and nobody is allowed to talk down to you."
Even Eric was shocked by the conversation.
'Who knew Mr. Blackthorne could be so passionate.'