My Veil of Vengeance follows Lucy Sinclair, a 21-year-old woman caught between love, betrayal, and ambition. After a heart-wrenching betrayal by the charming but deceitful Nathaniel Cross, who ends up destroying her family and drugging her and, she unexpectedly has a one-night encounter with Nicholas Lazarus, a mysterious billionaire in town. But when Lucy finds out she’s pregnant, her life is thrown into chaos.
Now, she must grapple with the truth and will she find and know her child’s father. Is it the man who broke her heart, Nate? Or will Nicholas be the one to help her rebuild her future? Torn between the past and a chance at redemption, Lucy must decide if she will let betrayal define her—or if she’ll seek revenge on those who wronged her.
Will Lucy find peace, or will the web of lies and love trap her forever?
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