What is real peace ?

What is real peace ?

by Neadeath


But what exactly is peace ? A reality ? A dream ? A utopia led by the greatest leaders of this world ? Thus giving the people the illusion that all is well ? Or is that the definition of the word 'rest' before the next war ? Because as the saying goes 'Who wants peace, prepare for war'. The Rikudô Sennin offers the chance to Sakura Haruno to answer it.

Insomnia's Embrace

Insomnia's Embrace

by Tiger_Eyes


Rin Ito is on the mission of her life. As a member of the Hidden Sound, and one of only two ninja whom have perfected the "Somnam" or the "Sleepwalker's Jutsu," she's been tasked with bringing sleep to her most lethal client yet; Lord Gaara of the Sand. When she takes a walk around the darkest recesses of his mind, will what she find there be enough to save him or will she fall prey to the monster which always lurks in his shadow?MC/Gaara romance, action, psychological.

Technoblade Never Dies: A New Adventure

Technoblade Never Dies: A New Adventure

by Destiny_Aitsuji


After losing the battle to his stage 4 cancer on 1 Jul 2022, Technoblade finds himself getting transported into a world that he is very familiar with. Looking at his reflection, Technoblade realises that now he was a character of the very game he held legendary records for - Minecraft.As a pig with his crown, Technoblade has to start his new life in a world far from his fans, using all the knowledge he knows about the game to beat the newest update from the gaming gods. With the blessings of his…



by burnable


Sequel to Back to the Beginning. Harry finds out that one of their advanced systems have been experiencing strange interruptions and follows them back to a military compound, where the Stargate, an ancient feat of alien technology, allows mankind to reach out and explore different worlds and cultures. Still harem, but less focused on that.

The Shocker: Legit

The Shocker: Legit

by superman1265789


The Shocker decides that because good always triumphs it's time to become one of the good guys. With hilarious and frequently epic results. Along the way he runs into secret conspiracies, unexpected nemeses and triumphs, with a Little help from his friends.I do not own any of the characters of this work. Fanfiction by Max Landis

Here be Dragons (SW SI)

Here be Dragons (SW SI)

by Terrier


When our MC was falling asleep he did not expect to wake up in that dream from ramming the wall of the Senate building.This novel is starting in timeline before invasion of Naboo."This story is pretty old but still contains a huge amount of "Hiver"-Author's essence in it."This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories.Forum stories of origin:https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/here-be-dragons-sw-si.245659/reader/All right f…

The Frost User (KNY FanFic) {Completed}

The Frost User (KNY FanFic) {Completed}

by vurse


A special Demon Slayer, the only Frost User, and a girl who’s family was annihilated , begins her journey. How will her life develop?Come join her journey! ( Sorry i’m really bad at synopsis )alternative universe This story is mine, if you wish to post it someone else or translate it, please contact me on discord.( art is not mine )

The Founder Of Diabolism

The Founder Of Diabolism

by TheBlackQueen


As the grandmaster who founded the Demonic Sect, Wei WuXian roamed the world in his wanton ways, hated by millions for the chaos he created. In the end, he was backstabbed by his dearest shidi and killed by powerful clans that combined to overpower him. He incarnates into the body of a lunatic who was abandoned by his clan and is later, unwillingly, taken away by a famous cultivator among the clans—Lan WangJi, his archenemy. This marks the start of a thrilling yet hilarious journey of attacking …

Pokemon: Limits of the Worthless (Dropped)

Pokemon: Limits of the Worthless (Dropped)

by Khyrrid


In comparison to the power of Pokémon, humans are worthless. But when Nova gets reincarnated into the Pokémon World, he doesn't accept this fact. Uncovering the mysteries of Pokémon left and right, he pushes the boundaries on what is possible in the surprisingly dark world of Pokémon. *Warning*: •AU World- Alot of things have changed. The world is an amalgamation of the anime and games with some stuff completely changed. (Ex. Aura is massively different yet also the same) •Fallible MC- If you'r…

Love 020: Beyond a Beautiful Smile

Love 020: Beyond a Beautiful Smile

by katikatka


A Hao Mei and KO fan fiction based on both the novel and the series; "Love O2O / Just One Smile is Very Alluring"; novel by Gu Man and series directed by Lin Yufen. I will also be referencing "Lets eat, Shan Shan" also by Gu Man. Parts of this fanfiction will be pulled directly from the series and while I'll make a note whenever I use the direct dialogue from the series, hopefully I'll be able to maintain similar dynamics so that those passages don't stand out too much from the rest of the story…

Broke: A Clone Wars Tale (Star Wars)

Broke: A Clone Wars Tale (Star Wars)

by Reis123


About the story:Clone trooper CT-4063 is a fresh and shiny trooper directly from the clone facilities in Kamino. He is also one of the thousands of clones that take part on the first battle of the Clone Wars.Go with him as he carves his path to the high comand.Important warnings:I had a sudden moment of inspiration, and decided to write it down.I am not doing this to became an author and I might stop at any time.Anyway I am very grateful to anyone who reads and gives his or her support. Also, I …

Post-Apocalyptic Potter from a Parallel Universe

Post-Apocalyptic Potter from a Parallel Universe

by burnable


Harry Potter finally defeats Voldemort, but only after the world has been destroyed. Harry has his vengeance, but gets pulled into Voldemort's ritual and is dragged with his body to an alternate universe. This is the original and I am the original Author. I will make a note of it on the other site. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13326497/1/Post-Apocalyptic-Potter-from-a-Parallel-Universe

The Legend of the Blade

The Legend of the Blade

by Dawei


I wish I could be a hunter as well... But.. I don’t want to die.[! You have obtained a EX ranked skill.][Never Dies]What if Techno was the MC?Watch as Techno journeys along different worlds and saves them from the vile clutches of tyrants.This is a multiverse crossover

The Journey of Mew

The Journey of Mew

by LaughingSnowFox


Meet Mew. A small furry little creature that loves to play. It plays pranks on the people he meets, helps whenever he feels like it and naps if he's tired.But hold on, after having played so much, how come he doesn't know where he is?Follow Mew as he goes to play in not only the Pokémonverse, but also other anime/multi verses.Disclaimer: I don't own any of the anime or characters that are mentioned in the story.I don't own the cover.I don’t own any of the multiverses that are bound to be mention…

I Have Loved You, I Will Love You (BTS Jeon Jungkook & Kim Taehyung)

I Have Loved You, I Will Love You (BTS Jeon Jungkook & Kim Taehyung)

by Shookieillegirl


"Kim Taehyung, Born December 30th..." The strange man replied."How- how did you know my name? Who are you?"He ignored my question. His dark gaze was staring at me. They were so cold and emotionless. It was like there was no life in those dark orbs."It seems you are unaware of your situation Taehyung. I have something to tell you..."His hands made its way into his pocket as he leaned in towards me."You are dead."

Mass Effect SI: Ultimate Krogan

Mass Effect SI: Ultimate Krogan

by JManM


Embark on a long journey with me piloting the Ultimate Krogan: Grunt in a three act epic.Act 1 Mass Effect and Star Wars: A man awakens and accepts his new life as giant space lizard man. He sets out to dominate the galaxy with every ounce of strength and wit he can muster. Act 2 Skryim - Fate: Now realizing he is free to move about the Omniverse, Grunt sets an unrelenting pace as he seeks out new experiences and conflicts.Act 3 Guild Wars 2 - present: Having lived a lifetime of battle and adven…

Just Rancher trying to Live his Life

Just Rancher trying to Live his Life

by Basil_Grower


Albert Has Travelled To Various Countries But One Day He Wakes Up In A Place He Does Not Recognize

The Aftermath (Harry Potter)

The Aftermath (Harry Potter)

by Moon_Lord_


Author: Colt01Site: Fanfiction.net————————-Quick Warning: This fanfic is a short story, containing only 17 chapters here and 2 chapters on the original site.————————-Synopsis:What if Hermione had accidently Disapparated along with Ron during the hunt while trying to stop him? How would Harry have managed to defeat Voldemort alone? Watch as Harry takes a bold step forward with determination and new allies. This is canon compliant until the scene where Harry and Ron fight in Book 7.…

RESIDENT EVIL - faded of twilight wings

RESIDENT EVIL - faded of twilight wings

by Scarlet_Wolf96


This is taken from a year after Chris had to lose Jill (his partner) while on a mission at the Spencer Mansion. Chris, who feels guilty for not being able to save Jill and causing him not to talk to anyone, is forced to get up after he receives a letter from an old friend. the letter reads his final request to protect his nephew from a kidnapping incident. Chris was forced to follow a request from his old friend and prepare himself again. because of the kidnapping incident there was a clue that …

Reincarnated As Sis-Con!

Reincarnated As Sis-Con!

by I_Am_Not_Siscon


This story is rewritten as "Awakened as Siscon"