Son of the Eternal Eclipse

Son of the Eternal Eclipse

by asifsaj

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A ritual gone wrong. A boy tried to revive both of his parents with powers of dark magic. Instead, he caused the sun to blacken, the world to cease spinning, and monsters that spawn from the shadows of the eclipse. Seven dark beams pour out into different parts of the continent. He must undo the damage he caused by defeating the seven hellspawns that terrorize this dark, new world. But he won't be alone. A creature now turned visible that was always by his side and will always be by his side wil…

The Grim Codex

The Grim Codex

by Aeonomaly

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A young prince suddenly finds himself emerged into a world of magic, eclipsing everything he’s ever known and turning his life upside down. An arch Mage looking to finally find a worthy apprentice to inherit his legacy. One of the most ancient beings of the world lays tormented in his prison waiting for his savior.



by r0b1N

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A noble sacrifice

Reincarnation: Story of a Sword

Reincarnation: Story of a Sword

by Zenyix

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Oliver was a normal guy. He went to work, partied, and lived life just like the rest of us. That is until an unfortunate accident abruptly ended his life. Now Oliver has a second chance, though fate must have a sense of humor because he's been reincarnated as a sword!

Bangtan Meets Yumiko

Bangtan Meets Yumiko

by Jeong_Jimin97

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With This Ring

With This Ring

by Heitcleff

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A prince existing in 1890 Hades Alexander asserted his boundless love to a woman. They were both came from a prosperous domain family and were planning to consolidate their land. Til day comes, their contender came getting the wife of the prince. King Helios wants his wife and they will stop the battle only if Prince Hades gives his wife. No one wins the war without dying.Prince Hades died and vowed to return and live in the immortality and find his wife.

Children of the Lodestar

Children of the Lodestar

by Idle_Guillotine

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The Earth is dying. The wealthy and powerful fled to the stars, leaving us to fight for their scraps. Torn from your family, will you fight? Or let the darkness consume you?Cyne is a young scavenger struggling to survive. His life has been one hardship after another. But he managed to pull through each and every time with his sweat, tears, and blood. Cyne is a survivor, and he thought nothing could faze him. That is until his sister gets taken by a galaxy spanning crime syndicate. Facing forces …

Queen of the Night

Queen of the Night

by GabrielKross

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What if I told you that the world we think we know is a lie? What if beyond the mundane everyday life that we live there is another life. A world of darkness, of myths and legends that our parents used to frighten us into behaving as children? What if everything were real?

Entertaining Death

Entertaining Death

by Jaycren


Death finally comes for the cult leader Victor Silvano. One thousand volts to his brainpan to send him off to hell.But providence must be with the debauched psychopath. Awakening within the cursed Necklace of Asura, he is tasked by the naive and innocent Princess Elvie to protect her and her people. The Snake of Sin once more speaks with a forked tongue and with dark powers channeled through the princess his will be done.Blessed Be.

Living As a Gaming Console

Living As a Gaming Console

by Dephyrus

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A hardworking man living alone wakes up to find himself reincarnated as a... gaming console?

Heart of Sins

Heart of Sins

by NotReallyDaoist

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Zander, a young boy in his teen years. He seems like he would succeed in his education but he fails. Gets low marks on assignments but he passes only due to getting the highest grade possible for his test scores. Due to his parents, they sent him to a prestigious elite school because they didn’t want their name to get any worse than it already has. His parents ran successful businesses and couldn’t seem to bother to help their son out. All they did was send him money to support himself. Zander l…

Isolated Heart

Isolated Heart

by Acze_

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Ace Nicolai Clandestine venture the world looking for his parent who were taken by some powerful and sinister witch. But before his parents were taken away, his mother cast a powerful spell that created a dome like mist using her life force isolating the place to protect her son from any danger that may come in the forest. After being isolated from the outside world in the time accelerating mist. He learned and practice what her mother gave him and became powerful enough to control the mist spel…

The heresy of the night

The heresy of the night

by Salr

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He was born into a poor family in a country full of followers of the Drefor Church. A week before he turns 18, he discovers secrets from the church. Things that have been hidden for hundreds of years, where a promising future was buried by their actions.Chapters may be edited for grammatical corrections!

Aedon Nazdarin

Aedon Nazdarin

by Astronovelist

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Follow Aedon on his journey to find the deep and dark secrets of the universe, follow Aedon on his journies to be a hero, a villain, or as an extra or bystander while the REAL hero saves the world.......what will it be? Which road will he take, what decisions will he make? Will Aedon be triumphant or will he taste defeat? Join us on this journey with Aedon Nazdarin

Slightly Damaging The Heavens

Slightly Damaging The Heavens

by ThatBlackid

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Being born in a world where strength and status reign even living a simple life can prove to be a bit difficult. Filled with Strong men with powerful Innate Spirits and Young women with scary backgrounds, clench your cheeks for just a toot can get you killed. Our MC is just a simple leaf floating on the indifferent rivers of fate. Eventually will he be able to slightly damage the Heavens with a booger and dissipate Tribulation clouds with just a sneeze? The read button is right there why don't …

The Almighty Merchant's Odyssey: Through Zar'Goth

The Almighty Merchant's Odyssey: Through Zar'Goth

by Illusory_Solitude

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Have you ever wondered if what we see and know is all that defines this world?Have you ever wondered if the place we call home is rightfully ours?Have you ever wondered if the sole reason for our existence is an ancient oath?This is a story of a race that blossomed in the safety of ignorance and another suffering at the hands of fate. Will they look beyond their ignorant selves?Will they succeed in fulfilling their destiny?On his 18th birthday, Rhys began his chaotic and supernatural adventures.…

Colourland Series 3: The Colourlandish Leaders

Colourland Series 3: The Colourlandish Leaders

by Willem_Van_Herk

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Colour King has demanded the shunning of Challenger from Crayon and his friends. If refused, he will challenge a fight.

Hearken Unto This

Hearken Unto This

by Mourn_Shard

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"Shut up!!!!" I screamed as my head split from the immense chaos of noise of every kind blasting into my ears, my bones, my very being...----This is the story of the predestined son of a famous bloodline of pyrokinetics who becomes awakened to his Kine. Will it be exactly what he expects? What will his ventures intel? Follow the tale of Connor Valrsen...



by Vicky_wolf

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Human beings since the dawn of civilization have always been the top of the food chain. With our wits and knowledge, we have dominated the Land, ruled the Sky, and roamed the Ocean, we are the only species that have dared to ventured into the space and explore the new horizon. Since time immemorial we humans have dominated the world around us with our technology. But what if one day all our technology becomes useless and monsters beyond and from our imagination comes alive. What if humanity sudd…



by SuicidalSkeletin

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Thomas' life has never been a fortunate one. Always as if submerged in thick, black ink he has hazily drifted from one place to another.While investigating an old church ruin he and his colleagues stumble upon a cult in the middle of a sinister ritual, one that has to be stopped.To their dismay however they were too late, unable to disrupt the ritual Thomas makes a desperate attempt to kill the priests along with himself, but before he knows it he is sucked into a portal, inside the void, to mee…