life is twisty which is mystery

life is twisty which is mystery

by abhinandan_japia

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Atom & Lily

Atom & Lily

by Killerpatty_Studio

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-New chapters every Tuesday and Thursday!=After the disappearance of the famous Killerpatty the fifth, the world is left without heroes to protect the people which leaves gangs and villains to take over streets, Oliver was a hero but after finding out his teammates were killed by a villain named Grin Scurvy he took to enforcing justice on all evildoers and out of pure revenge plans to find Grin Scurvy and show him a piece of his mind, along the way Oliver meets the shadow-being Atom who grants O…

Colourland Series 3: Colourclever and Administrator

Colourland Series 3: Colourclever and Administrator

by Willem_Van_Herk

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Colour King has sent in Colourclever and Administrator to make sure that his opinion is the law of the land. Crayon and his friends have to end up fighting people.

My Love in Another World

My Love in Another World

by mrCat

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This novel is closedWhy?I failed hard

Project OutBreak

Project OutBreak

by KuroiDangan

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The Earth has completely changed, Strange creatures roam the desolate landscape which was once lush and green,humans live in giant domes which block out all the harsh elements. A exploration team piloting giant robots get a distress signal that supposedly has the best weapons to protect itself!What will the exploration team find in the dome and will everyone return home?...

The Great Mage Alexander

The Great Mage Alexander

by Sly_Lyon

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A graphic story about a sixteen-year-old boy pursuing the dream of becoming an adventurer. However things aren't as cool as he thought, it turns out life is a lot tougher than you would think. Some adventures are horrifying, others are light-hearted, some of them are filled with fighting. First, however, he must learn the skills to survive. So he studies to become a mage.

Five Crowns and a Rose VI

Five Crowns and a Rose VI

by Ruche_Spencer

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Colourland Series 3: The Colourlandish Leaders

Colourland Series 3: The Colourlandish Leaders

by Willem_Van_Herk

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Colour King has demanded the shunning of Challenger from Crayon and his friends. If refused, he will challenge a fight.

Where Do I Belong?

Where Do I Belong?

by ABK1

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My name is Rohan Sharma, and I'm traveling across the world with my father, because of his work. I'm originally from India but last time I was in China and before that. in Thailand, and it's kinda fun traveling the world, BUT because of this, sometimes I wonder.... WHERE DO I BELONG? Like I don't have a place to call home because I'm changing places all the time, my father parents are long dead now, I don't even has grandparents. Am I just going straight forward without even knowing WHERE DO I B…

The Magic Less Swordsman (Dropped)

The Magic Less Swordsman (Dropped)

by DaoistShinobi

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When The Son of a powerful Arc-Mage get his magic Stolen by a demon at the age of 10 he is disowned and outcasted as one of the only Magic less members of the kingdom. Will he have what it takes to survive and reclaim his power?

Sunday Smile

Sunday Smile

by Vaennylla

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When do you know when a smile is genuine? When it's more than just a smile. My senpai taught me that. It all began that sunday morning...

Beneath Us (BL)

Beneath Us (BL)

by Hocus_Henry

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Tian Ashturokma was special. He was the last of the Kukouk, and the last remaining hope for a world he never knew about. He was raised in a small village until the raids came. He's been thrust into a different world, filled to the brim with a mysterious man named RT. RT speaks as if he knows him. As if he's known him his whole life, but the kicker is, Tian starts to gravitate to the man. RT was born in a world on fire. A hellish escape that he barely survived. He's lived multiple life times, wai…

The Lord of Simping 2: The Love Life of Genko Gone

The Lord of Simping 2: The Love Life of Genko Gone

by Fuber_Paytoors

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In the year 3020 Genko Gone heard the story of Tristan Pervius and Ilva Pervius, he wanted him self to be as great as they were in Simpia, so he decided to get isekaid him self, but once he arrives in Simpia he sees that the country has fallen in a dictatorship and stans up against the rules of Simpia known as 'The Simping 5' the only 5 in Simpia who are able to simp.

The Answer.

The Answer.

by skyerivers


(Cover art by valiasevat_art.)Join the Requiems in their epic journey across time and space! Where it all starts in 2013, to where the Emperor matures in 2019! The Outcast is destroyed and the world as they knew it is as good as gone. Metaphorically, of course. Watch their journey unfold against the future with Ben as the protagonist in Volumes 1 and 2! The Gift and Emancipation: The World Taken. In 2036, the son of the Emperor fights onwards for his home and the girl he loves to demolish the co…

Love Me Please (LMP)

Love Me Please (LMP)

by astralwrites

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Dear Diary, Uhm.... This is the first day I'll be writing on this diary, so uhm.. I hope I can fill this with happy memories. Uhm... To start of, I guess.. Uhm... I... I've been experiencing a very, very weird experience. Uh... Every morning, I've been coughing out roses.. Yes it may sound very weird and very... yeah, weird. But it's true... And I don't know if this is something that I can die from but... I'm slowly having the difficulties of breathing...

Colourland Series 4: Xax and Whites

Colourland Series 4: Xax and Whites

by Willem_Van_Herk

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The Bear have sent in Xax and Whites, the Bear's last line of defense to fight Crayon and his friends.

GOD's Play

GOD's Play

by sgod_23

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Do gods exist?Do they get bored?What if they descend from heaven to play a game?The people chosen are participants and gods are partners..A 17-year boy Ray Staria meets a goddess named Merici who introduces herself as a goddess descended from the Heavens' to participate in The GOD's Play. What does Ray desires? The winner gets everything they desire.THE IS JUST STARTING.What awaits Ray in the game of GODS? Will he gain everything or will he lose everything??

Elemental Masters-Season 1

Elemental Masters-Season 1

by michealism

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Tearing Off My Skin

Tearing Off My Skin

by Jkaloko

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It's already hard being Black in America, but it's even tougher surviving America as a Black Vampire. N, who is a vampire, has been on a long search finding the police officer who killed his family and cut off half of his tongue when he was young. He believes that the cop is in Virginia; he goes on a grueling battle to find him. But he also ends up falling in love, meet other unique black vampires like him, find his true origin, and leads a revolution to end police brutality and racism. Black li…

Number One and Rising

Number One and Rising

by Hutchison_Writing5

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Being powerful was a label to Elias, being given the awful "Number 1" as his name. Being on the board wasn't a competition for him, instead it was a slaughter. And then how his so called competitors used his emotions, his friends, his family against him, that was the sickest joke of all. After successfully disappearing he decides to hide as a high school student as the School of Gifts, a school that prepares Magic users for life on the Board. But is seems that the new generation is quiet a lot m…