Honestly, I am Mr. Richest

Honestly, I am Mr. Richest

by Soaring Wing


Chu Chen, who used to be an ordinary university student from a common family, gets a peculiar system installed in his head one day. The system makes him capable of obtaining all kinds of valuable properties as long as he finishes the various check-in missions it sends out. What's more, a Good-Luck card in his possession brings him enormous luck, allowing him to solve whatever trouble that comes his way with almost no difficulties. Due to his abundant wealth and attractive appearance, Chu Chen re…

Wife Please Be Obedient

Wife Please Be Obedient

by The flowers haven't bloomed yet


Qin Guanglin is a regular guy living a cautiously regular life. Apart from his freelance job as an artist and his hobby of gaming, nothing has ever been out of the ordinary for him. However, when he meets a mysterious gamer girl offline, he is immediately blown away by how perfect she seems to be for him. Is it all a coincidence, or is it fate? He realizes that there is so much more to life than just staying in his own comfort zone.This is a tale of lost and found.

I Don’t Want To Be Popular

I Don’t Want To Be Popular

by Vermillion Bird’s Solo Flight


Chen Chuan woke up to find himself holding 70 billion yuan in a rental house, and this marked the start of his wonderful life.He went from being a miserable office worker to a billionaire, yet this was just the beginning. Each week, he was rewarded with a large package that consisted of everything: a five-star hotel, an office building, a manor, an exclusive supercar, a calligraphy work, a technology industrial park, an aerospace project, thousands of heavy trucks, a brilliant football team, a l…

Mafia stepbrothers

Mafia stepbrothers

by lovingchae

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Here comes a girl Y/n (your name).Y/N is a sweet innocent girl who lived with her mother,father and brother in busan until Y/N's father choose to leave them and took his son at the age of 2 (Y/N's age).Y/N's mom asked him the reason but without reason he took his son and left them. After that Y/N and her mom moved to america where Y/N's mom friends helped them. While in america Y/N got so many friends and she had been happy there with her friends sometimes she think of her brother and cry...unt…

Detective W's Mystery

Detective W's Mystery

by CodeW

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3-141-MYSTERY...Hello, my friends! Welcome to Detective W's Agency at Owlsburgh, Pennsylvania! I'm glad to have you as my assistants! I'm grateful that you guys are here to help me solve cases-from the easiest to the most complicated! Rate: 20USD/Hour. Many benefits included. If you really want this job and work your brains out, give the above number a call! The mystery-I will give the honor to you of solving them! Don't worry!Glad to be solving mysteries with you, my friends!Sincerely, Detectiv…

Dandelion's Waltz

Dandelion's Waltz

by Onagi

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Ted is your typical angsty young adult who never got over his teenage years. Witness his day to day life unfold as he finds meaning to his life, and builds connection.

Kids To Go

Kids To Go

by Melody Pender

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Adam William. J. Hunt is one of the most successful business man in his city district. At the young age of 24 he was crowned the richest man in the city, now 36 he's one of the richest men in the world. Adam here is engaged to the "it" woman of his day. Vanessa Cortwell, a renowned model and a woman of poise and gracefulness. Together they are the star couple. The richest oil manger and the hottest model. Things are just oh-so-perfect and their popularity covers most, if not all the "happening" …

Creeps Apple...

Creeps Apple...

by Dominic Hartmann

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A long-standing peace treaty between the low ranking street gangs and the elite cartels has been broken, A new organization demands control over everything, they call themselves "Masks" and with their appearance, people are going missing, bodies are being found but no one can point a finger to who they are and who is responsible until the lives of a group of innocent people are hurt by these actions and an unlikely pair of "outsiders" form their own criminal organization to challenge them but th…

Live In The Moment

Live In The Moment

by iraloskar23

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A story about the life of a girl in her last two years of school. The girl makes new friends and learns a lot about the world. Sadly the pandemic doesn't allow her to enjoy with her friends before jumping into life. Do you think she would be able to cope with life completely at home..?Or would she just go with the flow..?Do check out my story...

Find ME

Find ME


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Jack who has a girlfriend, named Angel, fell in love with someone that he never once met With someone who never love what he had and his status but by what he was from the inside, will he crash his girlfriend's heart for someone he has to find? For someone, he never met? Or will he stay with his girlfriend and forget about the girl?

Saving, loving Mella

Saving, loving Mella

by Taneliana1

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Herman Hillard was a good and loving son but one conversation turns him into a hot headed , uncaring and cold person who doesn't care about anything in the world. Being the first son of a very rich family, his father decides to throw him out forcing him to survive on his own. Hopefully he gets the answer he is looking for and gets his peace of mind.

Our Thing

Our Thing

by angelius_grcacius

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Despite being one of the most influential mafia family in the 1950s New York, the Gagliardi family find themselves in a dangerous situation when their father, the Don, was sent to a comma after an assassination attempt. This brought the family together, including estranged members, to find out who was behind the attempt. However, things aren't always that easy as the absence of the Don takes its toll on the Gagliardi's, causing more troubles for the family. Will the Gagliardi's be able to to fin…



by Mantri Marku

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THE BANK THIEFSYNOPSIS: It’s a Crime and Fraud story. This story is good for making a full movie. This story too has full story and full of dialogues with full script and screen play. The story goes like this. “Husband cheats wife and children. Husband also cheats his employer Bank. Husband’s all bad habits like gambling, racing, deceiving, drinking, playing cards and what not, made him to deceive his own bread-giver employer Bank. Also, Husband maintains an illicit relationship with another wom…

I Became the Ultimate Boss

I Became the Ultimate Boss

by Blue Ocean


Every time he goes to sleep, he will enter a game's Ultimate Boss' body. He's the Sleeper of R'lyeh at the bottom of the ocean, the Great Old One in the game, the master of the dream that makes one fall into madness—Cthulhu! Due to the rising of the game, more and more fanatics call upon His name. There will be a strange item at home every time Ke Meng wakes up. It's quite a trouble for an unboxing video creator like him...

Caught Between Brothers

Caught Between Brothers

by Javyriah

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The fighter run towards him to finally end the fight. He moves closer to Hunter, the man was going to kick him when Hunter dodged and grabbed him from the neck… He punched him in the stomach then back kicked him. The fighter set on the floor. He also sits then move closer to him grabbing him from his hairs. “ You want to end this… Yes, it will end. But listen carefully. I am Hunter. The King of this underground fighting club. My name is Hunter because no one ever has won against me…” He whispere…

Skeleton's Training Manual

Skeleton's Training Manual

by Angry Laugh


When Lu Wu opened his eyes, he found that the world had changed completely.The world before him did not have fancy magic, nor ultimate Dou Qi.What it had were summoners that form contracts with summoned beasts.And coincidentally, he was such a summoner, although not a professional one, and his first summoned beast was a piece of crap.But that was fine, because he also had a golden finger!

A Random System Every Day

A Random System Every Day

by Cutesy Young Master


Ye Tianyi transmigrated into the body of a useless martial artist in Tensui Sacred Empire from Earth, who was also a bastard! At the same time, he had activated a series of countless systems—some of which turned his life around. “Ding! Congratulations on activating the [Lucky Bastard System].”“Ding! Congratulations on activating the [Scumbag System].”“Ding! Congratulations on activating the [Prophecy System].”“Ding! Congratulations on activating the [Goddess Hunting System].”“Ding! …”A twisted t…

What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

by Laughter


Lin Fan and the Saintess swapped bodies, which made them transmigrate in the process. Later, they even found out they could transmigrate infinite number of times.On this day, Lin Fan returned to find himself already an immortal!Note: Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) meets Xianxia

Invincible Kungfu Healer

Invincible Kungfu Healer

by Azuresky


In his past lifetime, he was an exceptional prodigy who practiced both medicine and martial arts. In this lifetime, on earth, he used his superb medical expertise and extreme martial arts achievements from his past lifetime to excel in the medical field and the ancient martial arts world. He moved his way towards the pinnacle!A fine youngster, who had been frequently looked down upon due to his poverty, had gone through the cold and warmth of this world to lament laughingly that life was merely …

The Billionaire's Karma

The Billionaire's Karma

by Trypano

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Hadwyn Ryker a young Billionaire.From a well-known and wealthy family. At a young age, he already running their company. He is known throughout Asia.Owner of the Well-known Pharmaceutical Company that provides Medicine in lots of Hospitals, Inside and outside of the country. He owns countless properties in Asia. Even though he is a billionaire he still manages to party with his friends. He has time to attend a special occasion in his family. One word to describe him, P-E-R-V-E-R-T .He has time t…