Heroes Uprising

Heroes Uprising

by Fumuyoshi

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It first appeared on the coast of Mindanao, Philippines. An unknown species we can call it. Everyone thought it was harmless as a sheep. But then, it accidentally tasted the flesh of a human. After that, things started to go haywire, it multiplied as it feast on human flesh, no one can stop, nothing can. Bullets bounce off of its skin, tank shell or any kind of explosive are ineffective. Even trying to poison it didn't work. The Philippine Government was on it's last straw. That's why they choos…



by Janettwrites

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Drowned Anarchy

Drowned Anarchy

by EJMackey

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This is the second story in a series, the first story is Blood Oasis. This one picks up years after the events that took place in Nova Abyss. Anarchic Quadrant is the areas surrounding the Blood Oasis, lands of ruling Cyclops. Elves, Dwarves, Numan, Demon, all kinds of beings inhabit this part of the Abyss. The story jumps between all of the areas within the quadrant, some of them are under control of a faction or tribe while a vast amount is still uncontrolled and some even unexplored. Until no…

The 10 Commandments

The 10 Commandments

by JD_Labs

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They were forced to fight. Forced to protect their homes from a man they call Seage. A brother to Satan himself. A being so strong not even himself can handle his power.But God had a different plan. He created beings just as strong. just as smart, just as fast. For the fate of the universe was in their hands. To stop Seage and his rampage.God called these special beings The 10 Commandments.

Star Children

Star Children

by havecookies

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----------------My name is Star Tel, and I am going to die in one year.Basically, long story short, I have a disease, that in exchange for special powers, it kills me.Oh, and I have absolutely no memories about my past.Plus, weird things have been happening recently. Well, weirder than normal at least.Summary:Problems: Too many.Solutions: Too little.So, I’m basically screwed.I've done, seen, and heard things that I wasn't supposed to, and now I'm afraid I know too much.I only hope it's not too l…

One Punch Star Destroyer

One Punch Star Destroyer

by spring651

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The era of super power has come, the explosion of science and technology, the war of cosmic civilization, awakened people and mutant creatures have appeared one after another... Fang Yuan has awakened a strange ability that devours anger and adds physical attributes. Quickly fill up, follow the light messenger, and physically cross the galaxy! The power is full, the dark matter dragon fist, and the star is annihilated with one punch! The body is full, the empire is built, and the body is resista…

Latency Rising

Latency Rising

by usagihime

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The unlikeliest hero| The darkest evil|The fate of the universe.

The Red Air- Part 1- Glimpse of Redemption

The Red Air- Part 1- Glimpse of Redemption

by Tris122

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In a far off future, things such as teleportation and alien nations could exist, but there will always be someone who poses a threat, no matter the setting.In this story, Wally begins a school to train young children to be great fighters, but is unknowingly in way over his head. His seemingly simple idea starts problem after problem, and gets him in trouble with people he shouldn't be. This is only the first part in the large story I have planned, and I really hope you guys and gals enjoy it!…



by menchen_uberra

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When humanity lost its roots it will lose its hope,let me ask you a question what would be mankind ifIts so called society collapse . Shall we resort to barbarismor be strong ones more??

Our Dawn

Our Dawn

by ilove_friedckake

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Alton was a solider, someone who served his country with pride. He had a loving pair of parents whom he was supporting and a adorable daughter who although he couldn’t always spend time with was very understanding. But this all changed when he was sucked into some odd space and time warp and ended up in a completely different galaxy many light years away. Lost and alone he struggles with both his mental and physical health all the while clawing his way up to the top.But his life takes another tu…

The uprising

The uprising

by GabrielTembo

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The Uprising OriginsThe Deadly Warriors rise over and over, killing innocent civilians and taking over New York City. Everest, a very powerful being sets up a team of four people with special abilities given to them by nature. The four need to keep their hero life and personal life separate to protect those close to them. They need to try to stop the Deadly Warriors who are led by a powerful being who calls himself Wire-Man. The city needs the Uprising to stop him and his team of Deadly Warriors…

The Apex Alpha

The Apex Alpha

by BoredAsura

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Seth was a legendary assassin with metahuman abilities. He was so feared that a country was willing to risk sending all of their metahumans as well as the many metahuman mercenaries they hired in order to bring him down after he killed several political leaders and their families.After killing several thousand metahumans, Seth was finally brought down. But he was fine with it. He knew that with all the damage that he had caused, he would eventually be killed. And he was prepared for his death an…



by MansonFD7


The scorching virus outbreak has driven Galea's ecosystems into chaos, infecting not only life forms but also advanced technologies.With no antidote in sight, the people of Galea turn to their last hope: the Authonoids, Authorized Androids engineered to combat this relentless virus.These androids are designed to fight the virus while being immune to its effects. But, the virus evolves rapidly, and the battle is far from over. As if the relentless virus wasn’t enough, some elites exploit the chao…

Omniverse Book 1

Omniverse Book 1

by UnknownKind

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The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who …

The World We Dreamt Of

The World We Dreamt Of


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In the future we meet our main protagonist Blade, Lucy aka Lucky, and Zach. We see the adventures they go through in a planet to try to discover new lifewe see that Zach has a connection with this fellow friend Lucky she seems like a smart person but will Zach trust her actions.Zach is known to have betrayed his former organization, it was a sacrifice Zach was willing to take for the right of his home.This book includes three different perspectives main focus is Zach but we also get to see Blade…

Who Cares!!?

Who Cares!!?

by JHK


When an organization that was created after WWII seeks to create the perfect human and starts experimenting on people who were declared a lost cause by the doctors, a certain teenager is randomly chosen for their incomprehensible experiments and finally after many trial and error, with error resulting in “death”, they succeed with him.After success, he is immediately dragged into his final gruesome tests. With his life on the line without him even realizing, he sets out into the world now with h…

Chaos Simulation

Chaos Simulation

by AmurZeTiger

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Jayce Good and his four friends are among the last humans who remember Earth. Beings with unimaginable power have created a simulation to house every race in the universe. Before these alien races, they have placed a simple objective for those they've trapped in their simulation. Claim the grand prize in their competition and ascend to godhood. Jayce will forge a path of destruction to claim the right for humanity to be free from their prison.

Galactic Odyssey

Galactic Odyssey

by odyssey101

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Sam is a young man who just graduated from high school on planet Moryl and decided to join the army together with his friend Edward, during the military examination he gets caught by surprise by an alien beast and end up falling in an underwater cave. While everyone believe that he died, Sam meets a small robot who gives him an incredible gift.

Human Federation

Human Federation

by Frorstyflame


A journey of human civilization from internal wars to universe and beyond. Welcome to the universe, what will be the situation there, dark forest law, mutual restraint orThe universe is vast there will be many types of civilization as small as cells to huge as planets, from mechanical to magical.But one thing is certain they will follow the laws of universe.What will Humans do in front of them?The humans united easily due to there being a common enemy what will happen after the war will the huma…

Calibre Prognosticatorum

Calibre Prognosticatorum

by agnozan


Nuel had gone to sleep the night before after finishing playing the game 'ex Umbrae Online', an MMOFPSRPG that had been running for 6 years. However, he soon woke up to the sound of emergency siren, to which he found himself inside a cryostasis pod."Wait, isn't this the quest we did last night? The daily quest where we save and escort back some civilians? And now I'm that civilian???"Join Nuel as he got transmigrated into the game and experience how it's like living in the 23rd century where the…