A man, who gave himself immortality is the only one left in his existence...and so, yearns to defy fate and reach into the unknown. His journey, is the exploration of my other novels. It is both a way to understand my other novels, the past, and how his plane of existence came to be. He comes across the universes of my novels 'Jaeger', 'The Myriad', "Armor, Shadow, and Energy', 'The lost game', 'No Mans Land of the Damned', and several others. How you tie them into the fate of other characters, is up to your interpretation...but nothing is as it seems on the surface, nor between the lines.
This book without a doubt has to be apart of the other novels, and reading some of the authors comments i noticed that the man immortal is its own book and yet like an understanding of the others, i love the latest chapter