A Kimetsu No Yaiba Story; Wonder and Terror lies in the Taisho Era of Japan. A boy, named Okami Faolan, lives a happy life near a isolated village North of Mount Sagiri, but his life will forever change when a Demon attacks his village, he will seek justice for a greater evil that will unfold. Faolan may not be the center of the true story, but his life will still forever change those around him as he finds his destiny.
(Faolan's story will heavily follow the canon and be prepared to meet some familiar names down the line.)
NOTICE: I do not own the original series at all and the characters associated with the actual story, with the exception of my own original characters.
Now Enjoy The Story!
Author Sama, you are a born writer !! It's the first time I've seen such a well-crafted fiction, without shouting the original, man you're a GENIUS !!
Hey uhh... Just a friendly advice... If your planning to write another novel, make sure to finish this one first pls... Or else I might die...
This is a novel that I strongly recommend! The story gives the feeling of reality, the characters are complex and true, honestly it doesn’t seem like a fanfiction, the fanfictions that I usually see on this site don’t convey a feeling of depth and realism mainly in the characters, most are simply an author venting his frustrations and ideas extrapolated in an absurd story (I have nothing against writing to forget the problems, I do it myself), but when I read this novel he captured me in the first chapters. The story so far is focused on the development of the MC, but I can say that it is absolutely well crafted and the level of immersion you can achieve is very high, so anyone who is in doubt if it's worth it, just come and read it, you probably won't you will be disappointed.
The mixture of emotion, religion, history, (realistic) character development and the love for the characters that this writer has trully makes this fiction one of a kind - an original story within the cruel world of kny is not something easily written, and you're doing a great job 'Author-sama' :D
Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good GoodGood Good Good Good Good Good Good Goodhshsbdhndbshsjbsgsu luv i btw
I know I'm late but I got to say this is the best demon Slayer fanfic I have read in a long time. the story was so captivating the writing was so beautiful it grabbed my attention the first few words. it's a shame that it was dropped my heart can't take it I broke a few house equipment when I saw the last time it was updated. you're writing me my day thank you!
No words, just emotions. I want to keep reading this[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
The first part is a masterpiece. I couldn't stop the salty droplets spilling out my eyes socket. Denitely a story I want to read again. My thanks to you, writer.
Truly excellent! Your story gave me the feelings I’ve once lost. I’ve searched and looked everywhere to find an inspirational and emotional story like this. You have my appreciations from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.
I really recommend this to any KnY fan. Your writing is amazing and descriptive. Your character are really pretty to. Props to you Author [img=recommend]
Dude... Give this man some love. The story is gold...! ................................................................................................................................................................
not even gonna cap when I saw romance and not harem and then saw kimetsu no yaiba I was already in love with it 10/10 an awesome fanfic of pure genius 👍🏽 thank you author for bringing this fan fiction to life lots of love gud luck on your next chapters!
the start is a great potential, but it got stretchy, slow, and not intresting enough to stay, it's good Really, but it makes you skip chapters and not really miss anything