'ugh, my head hurts what the hell happened last night? the last thing I remember was shotgunning a shit load of beer and Sara. dam she knows how to party. wait a minute why do I feel warm and cozy. OH SHIT, I remember I was on the balcony's edge trying to impress Sara and I um, think what happened. oh yeah I got off and got laid and I went downstairs- no I met Jeff and he got pissed that I fucked his girlfriend Sara and he pushed me and I think snapped my neck!!' he said proudly that he figured it out and then it hit him hard 'i died... I didn't die VIRGIN HAHA TAKE THAT DAD!!!' and so begins the great adventure of a dumass.
I like it. Enslavement in the 2nd chapter, what a wonderful choice (sarcasm). But seriously, I love where this is going. Please continue writing!
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