The unbearable stench of filth, ubiquitous garbage that seemed to be everywhere, omnipresent cockroaches, countless neon lights from advertising billboards, and people... So many people, as if they had stepped out of fantastical books about the near future where high-tech implants had long become a pleasant norm for humanity.
And amidst all this madness, there I was... A small eight-year-old child, who, barely awakening under the corpse of a woman unknown to me, was forced to fight for my place under the sun from the very first second of my new life.
Attention: Disclaimer! 1) This work steers clear of gratuitous grimness and all related themes. If you relish reading about others' sufferings elevated to the extreme, do not even attempt to start this piece. Seriously, it's not for you. 2) The story is set in the game world, incorporating certain lore elements from Cyberpunk "2020", "2077", and "Blade Runner". Most of the information can be found on wikis, but it's not the gospel truth, so be mindful of the author's creative liberties.
Cyberpunk stories are few and far between such well written ones are even rarer. I’m enjoying this a lot just please please don’t fall into the trap of trying to please others with your stories direction. Don’t end up like Snail rewritting or dropping it’s your story write how you want. Rant over. Love what your doing so far.
I mean it's okay. A bit slow...too slow fo cyberpunk story in my opinion. Like it's going against what is cyberpunk all about. And that's not like a big problem, but ya know, it's not that intresting either.
Really well done, keep it up and don't drop the story, with enough chapters thus will blow up for sure.
Is this really a fanfic or a well-written novel? Haven't seen such cool dialogues in a long time) Anyway, I like it. Looking forward to more chapters.
One of the better ones in fanfiction in terms of writing. Bit on the slow side might say, but the worldbuilding covers up this slowness and keeps the story interesting. What makes it iffy for me is that some important story developments are being breeze through and just being told in a narration. Thus somehow in my opinion the story sometimes leans more like a biography or a diary. Though it feels like the story is still being set up in the 20+ chapters I have read and might be improved later. Overall, its worth a try in reading!
I'm a huge fan of cyberpunk, so I was thrilled to find this fanfic. Moreover, I was genuinely amazed at how well-written it is, a kind of breath of fresh air amidst all the systems and 'three wishes' stuff.
I really like this story and characters. I like reading stories like that, showing how a character you know from game or movies have a different life and encounters, leading to a better ending.
I read a few chapters and I'm really enjoying the writing. We experienced readers know how to distinguish between children's writing that appears to have been written by a child and mature writing that was done by an experienced or talented writer. In this fic it is the second, 5 star writing quality.
great, great, great story. the world building is great, I love how the story progresses, and it doesn't fall for a lot of the issues that you see in more slow paced stories. there isn't much of a dull moment as each chapter unravels more about the characters and the plot. Note that this is not your usual fast-paced cyberpunk story, and it can be hard to tell from the cover, so don't expect constant action. if I were to critique the story, I would say it is a little slow, and the author takes his time making chapters, but I do not wish for quality to be sacrificed for quantity. I like this story. please don't drop.
Sounds like he is writing from ttrpg campaign he did using 2077 and edgerunners. Eager for more chapters.
I really enjoyed reading all 50 chapters that are currently available. I think the characters are deep and relationships are well build something out of the norm in this platform. I hope you keep up with the good work and provides us with more chapters!
At the time of writing this review, I've read 17 chapters. I highly recommend it. Besides the fact that there are few cyberpunk fanfics on webnovels, this one is exceptionally well-written. The only thing that might puzzle readers is the specific cyberpunk "universe" the protagonist inhabits and what events will unfold in the future, but I hope the author will elaborate on this in upcoming chapters.
Loving the Author's take on a video game from the perspective of someone not the original MC of the game.