Xian, a high school student with a seemingly ordinary life, stumbles upon a family secret that changes everything. His cousin Dove introduces him to a hidden world and reveals that his lineage is not what he initially believed. With new-found abilities and a destiny he never imagined, Xian's life takes a thrilling turn.
Xian receives a power of imagination manifestation and sets out on a journey filled with supernatural difficulties and unexpected turns under the guidance of a figure, Harbinger. He must navigate the complexities of his powers, face ancient spirits and treacherous foes, and unravel the secrets of his family's past.
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I really enjoy your work! I'd love to stay connected and keep up with your latest creations. Do you have any social media or email? It would be great to be in touch~
I really like your novel, because you have taken me to a fantasy world that I really like, even when I read it like I am the main character in the story, it feels very dramatic. Thank you for creating this novel and keep the enthusiasm for the future and it can be even better!! 🙌🏻✨🔥
This novel is a masterpiece, this change my life, make me happy now after reading this I have 2 wife and 11 children, my second son has already go to Mecca at 2 month, this novel change my live, thank you author