Ethan, an ordinary teenager, stumbles upon a mysterious wristband that unlocks a level-up system granting him RPG-like abilities in a world besieged by darkness. As he grows stronger, Ethan learns of the looming threat from the Fallen—dark entities bent on engulfing the world in shadows. Alongside Kaela, a skilled warrior with her own mysterious past, Ethan embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the Fallen and their powerful artifacts. With each battle, Ethan unlocks new abilities, confronts dangerous enemies, and faces the temptation of dark power. As the lines between light and shadow blur, Ethan must navigate treacherous alliances, harness his newfound powers, and uncover the secrets hidden within the dark realm, all while trying to protect those he cares about and ensure the survival of their world.
A superlative adrenaline running narrative, keeping me at the edge all through the novel. It is filled with all thrills besides perfect blend of suspense arousing the interest of the reader. Eagerly waiting for the remaining part of the novel.