The void was absolute.
No light. No sound. No air. Not even time itself dared to exist. It was a place of unyielding nothingness, where existence held no meaning, and the concept of life was a cruel joke.
Within this void drifted a single, nameless soul.
How long had it been there? Minutes? Centuries? The soul couldn’t tell. Trapped in this purgatory, there was no sensation, no thought—only an endless, silent blackness.
But then, something shifted.
A sudden force, like a cosmic vacuum, gripped the soul. It had no time to react, no chance to resist as it was yanked violently from the void. Light—blinding, overwhelming light—burst into view for the first time in what felt like eternity.
And then—CRASH!
The soul, now encased in a physical form, plummeted from the heavens and smashed into the scorching sands of a desert.
Slow pace. We warned!
I like the powers within the context of the story, but the MC seems very dumb. He could do many things easily, but it feels like his neurons don’t connect enough to think about it. I could understand if it were impossible given his situation, but he just doesn’t do it because he lacks the ability to think of it—or at least that’s the impression it gives me.
The story makes no sense, first of all why the f is the mc so horny to get / steal tonys money and arc in the early chaps if and i mean if u have Rimurus Whole Abilitys. This seems bland and dumb. if u have nothig to read then this is the shit
Pure stupidity by furry femboi mc/author...first despite having great sage he wants some fkin stupid armour of tony knowing how strong rimuru gets in future making armour even greater what tony can imagine would be a child's play for mc but nah this mf author wants to make mc a femboi and a ret@rd...
Looks promising, but the pacing is extremely slow. 12 chapters just for the Mc and Tony to scape from the desert... It deserves a read, but I recommend waiting for 30 chapters so we can have a real plot then
MC lands in marvel right next to tony in the desert after escaping capture. MC immediately thinks of killing tony and taking the arc reactor for no reason other think hes an idoit.... whats he gonna do its not even the upgraded arc reactor. Is he gonna build a suit. power a vacum. MORON!!
Good story but like other review said pacing is slow and mc attitude I don't like it, he has rimurus skill, so then he can change into 25yr old man.. So other can know that he is male and not female but he doesn't do that... Other than that.. MC will be OP real quick with predator and great sage
story starts right Tony's cave in Afghanistan now major cons of this novel is -character is too stupid , his first thought after seeing tony is to kill him and steal arc reactor, and his character doesnt really develop better. -story's translation is weak all chinesium element are not removed like, mc being part Chinese, their weird nick names for marvel characters , and weird morals also we shouldnt forget subtle racism, sexism and sometimes blatant. and also their monologues abt some well established plot points and philosophy + justification of mc actions like why he did that, then adding some chinese saying etc... -MAJOR LETDOWN: was stories premise is that mc hold one of the overpowered and most versatile ability in all fiction, with ability to calculation ,learning, understanding pretty much super ability but this story starts with this idiot thinking of killing tony to get premature arc reactor. and i don't spoil anyone but his decisions and character doesn't really change much - above are not even abt plot ,pace or writing quality so this point is for that : they are ok but pace is worse ,story usual web novel type
Bad mc, dumb and soulless.
The story is nice in my honest opinion. However, the way it is written really makes me want to read more. Author, please continue, your FanFic is too good for me lol.
this is a really really good story so far .....[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
I liked it at first, after the mc started wanting to crossdress I stopped liking it, when the love interest was an oc I was even more disappointed, I don't know why the mc stays with Tony, he looks like someone who doesn't know what do, I have a feeling the story isn't going anywhere and the MC will always stick with Tony.
loving it so far, pls gib more and dont drop
El personaje principal es de mentalidad cuestionable. Se puede asumir que es parte de la generación del 2000 y tiende a tener pensamientos intrusivos homicidas como esos que uno puede tener cuando sostiene un bebé. Por lo demás va bien, aunque extraño ya que "great Sage" es más capaz que una computadora cuántica lo que debería hacerlo aterradoramente rápido. En cuanto al personaje voy a asumir que "great Sage" lo está ayudando a manejar el viaje y proceso. De momento no se puede agregar nada mas
A masterpiece, I highly recommend reading for those who are fans of tensura and Marvel. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛