Pets, Paranormal Box Set

Pets, Paranormal Box Set

by J.D. Walker

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What would you do for the love of a pet? Or to win the heart of a skittish paranormal? These five stories by best-selling M/M romance author J.D. Walker will show you what happens when the heart stops at nothing to get what it wants. Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>All a Steer Can Do Is Try</strong>: Clifford Ames is overworked by his boss and desperately needs a change. Temporary escape comes in the form of a wedding invitation he gladly accepts. When Clifford arrives at the resort with hi…

A Secret Uncovered

A Secret Uncovered

by Edward Kendrick

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Theo was twenty-five when he discovered something that would change his life -- his adoption certificate, with any information about his birthmother other than her given names, Lilliana Nichole, blacked out. His father is dead and his mother away on business, so he can't ask them why they hadn't told him he was adopted ... and why the certificate had been defaced. He decides his only recourse is to hire a private detective agency to search for Lilliana.<br><br>It doesn't take long for Ric Baron …

Miami's Perfect Weekend

Miami's Perfect Weekend

by Jamie Craig

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The weekend of the championship game, all football star Tre Griffin wants is to escape Miami and the reminder that he's not playing. When his flight out of town is delayed, he meets Michael Pappas in the hotel bar. Their attraction is immediate, and when he discovers Michael has no idea who he is, Tre decides to act on it.<br><br>One night of no-strings-attached passion stretches into a whole weekend, but with Tre all too visible in the public spotlight, he can't risk hoping for anything more. A…

Bridge Over Troubled Water

Bridge Over Troubled Water

by Vivien Dean

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Detective Brady Lindstrom deals in death, and not just because he's a homicide cop with the slaughter of a century to solve. Ten years ago, vampires murdered his lover. Ever since, he's looked over his shoulder, ready for vampires to strike again. Or maybe just the one he loved.<br><br>Exhausted and angry about the needless deaths he has to investigate, Brady worries the killers he's looking for aren't even human. Those fears are compounded by an unexpected visitor, the battered and nearly broke…

A Thankful Heart

A Thankful Heart

by Shawn Lane

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It’s the beginning of November and Fabian is looking to make plans to visit his family with his lawyer boyfriend, Michael, for Thanksgiving week. But when Fabian shows up at Michael’s office during the workday, Michael is rude and unreceptive to the idea, so Fabian breaks up with him.<br><br>Making the trip to San Jose by himself, Fabian is welcomed home by his loving Italian family who are just eager for him to come home for good. Fabian is set to make the best of Thanksgiving, single and all, …



by T.A. Creech

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A fireball burning up the sky leads farmer Jason Thomas to the strangest thing he's ever found in his pumpkin patch. A man with wings. And no, he doesn't think it's an angel, no matter what his brothers say.<br><br>Taking the stranger into his home is hard. Keeping his heart from the stranger's hands? Harder. But everything in him calls to this being and Jason is so damned tired of only having his brothers at his back.<br><br>Castiel has no idea what this angel thing is, but the evil that knocke…

Desert Country

Desert Country

by Wayne Mansfield

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Brandon has just graduated from university as a primary school teacher. As he travels to his first teaching post, he wonders what he’s got himself into. From the airplane, the tiny town of Gunnanilla looks no bigger than a cattle station. And when he lands, he steps into heat such as he has never encountered before.<br><br>Sweating and feeling faint from the extreme temperature, he meets his new boss Mark Petersen, the racist principal of the only school for miles around. Then he meets the schoo…

The Firefighter in the Snow

The Firefighter in the Snow

by Leska Beikircher

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Cody Laughman, a lonely firefighter in New York City, gets a blast from the past when his late father’s lawyer approaches him with news. It has been three years since Cody’s father’s death, the family house needs to be sold. Although Cody is glad to get rid of this part of his life, there is one final thing he needs to do -- fly home to Muffin, Alaska, and make the property presentable.<br><br>He expects this to be a quick visit, just cleaning up some old memories he usually ignores. But memorie…

The Glass Slipper

The Glass Slipper

by Alex Morgan

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Cillian is trapped in his small village by his step-uncle, who has usurped Cillian’s inheritance and squandered it on his own two sons. Cillian earns his own living, and does all the family's chores, whlie his step-cousins do nothing. Then Queen Beyta arrives, looking to have Cillian repair Princess Itha's broken glass slipper. A party celebrating the king’s arrival is in two days, and Cillian gets to work.<br><br>But, the afternoon before the party, Cillian's family overpowers him and locks hi…

Impossibly His

Impossibly His

by Shawn Lane

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Sexy nurse Micah Florentine is not Dr. Linus Montgomery’s type. Micah just wants to have fun, and Linus is serious. When Micah suggests they’d make excellent BFFs, Linus is willing to indulge him, since Linus is interested in a fellow doctor anyway.<br><br>Yet as impossible as it seems, their friendship works. Soon Linus finds himself interested in Micah as more than just a friend.<br><br>Can he convince the flirty nurse to give romance a chance? Or is it impossible for Micah to become his?

3rd Time's the Charm

3rd Time's the Charm

by Chrissy Munder

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Tired of relationships gone bad, Doctor Nick Davros has sworn off dating. Between his student loans and his erratic work schedule, he doesn’t have the time or the energy to spare.<br><br>Of course, that’s when Construction Supervisor John Turner walks into his clinic. Not just once, but twice. Despite his attraction, Nick is determined to not give in. He couldn’t bear it if John became the one sitting across the table giving him the break-up speech.<br><br>John Turner is tired of being alone and…

Endless Summer

Endless Summer

by J.M. Snyder

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It's the summer before his senior year of college, and the last thing Jason Mizzoli wants to do is spend it with his parents. But when his mother books a month's stay at a family friendly resort, she won't let him talk his way out of going.<br><br>Jason's determined not to enjoy himself ... until he sees sexy resort employee Travis. After a chance encounter over breakfast, Jason thinks Travis might be just as interested as he is in getting to know each other a little better. But hooking up is ea…

Something from Nothing

Something from Nothing

by Wayne Mansfield

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Shane has never managed to catch a break. His mother died when he was a teen and his father left home the day he turned eighteen. Then he met a man he thought would fulfill all his dreams. Little does he know that Tyler will plunge him into a nightmare of both physical and verbal abuse.<br><br>With his self-esteem destroyed and no friends to turn to, Shane lives every day in despair. But when they’re invited to a neighbour’s house for dinner, things begin looking up. Michael, their host, is no s…

Lost in Time

Lost in Time

by A.L. Lester

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Lew Rogers's life is pleasantly boring until his friend Mira messes with magic she doesn't understand. While searching for her, he's pulled back in time to 1919 by a catastrophic magical accident. As he tries to navigate a strange time and find his friend in the smoky music clubs of Soho, the last thing he needs is Detective Alec Carter suspecting him of murder.<br><br>London in 1919 is cold, wet, and tired from four years of war. Alec is back in the Metropolitan Police after slogging out his ar…

A Timely Gift

A Timely Gift

by Kris T. Bethke

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Sometimes the right gift can be life-changing ...<br><br>On the solstice, Rory’s grandfather gives him a pocket watch he claims will have Rory’s life sorted and his problems solved by Christmas. Rory starts out skeptical, but when he reconnects with an ex he never thought he’d see again, he has to admit there might be some holiday magic at work after all.<br><br>Deacon’s life is in shambles, and he’s returned to Syracuse for a fresh start. Running into Rory again feels like much more than a coin…

Pulling Apart

Pulling Apart

by Shawn Lane

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Noah Riggins thought his troubles were over and he’d live happily ever after with Charlie Banks, but lately their domestic bliss has been anything but blissful. Charlie’s shutting down and shutting Noah out, refusing to even consider getting help.<br><br>When Charlie suggests a separation, Is this really the end?

Under the Felt Mistletoe

Under the Felt Mistletoe

by Nell Iris

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The most wonderful time of the year is about to get even better.<br><br>On a cold, rainy December morning, Finn’s beloved Grampa, his best friend and rock, makes a friend outside their home who he invites in for coffee. The last thing Finn expects is Nelson, a man with a painful past, who is beautiful and generous and turns Finn’s knees into jelly.<br><br>What starts out as a chance to get out of the rain, soon becomes more as Nelson helps Finn get ready for the Christmas market. They bond over …

Born Magic

Born Magic

by A.R. Moler

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Querteshan guardsman Jamal Fayed is on a routine patrol through the desert area known as the Burning when they discover an injured and unconscious man who looks to be from a nearby country, Perathea. Their two countries have a long history of animosity.<br><br>When Nev ran from his master, he was fleeing for his life and any outcome seemed better than the death he was promised. But Nev has secrets, complicated secrets that involve both magic and his physical form. Can he build a relationship wit…

His Pagan Love

His Pagan Love

by Wayne Mansfield

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One day fate decides to smile on Brennus.<br><br>He’s hunting in the woods when he is almost seen by a group of Roman soldiers returning to their encampment. He hides until they pass, then decides to bathe in the nearby stream. Naked, he finds a mossy rock on which to lie while the sun dries and warms him.<br><br>It isn’t long before his instincts tell him he isn’t alone. He discovers a soldier watching him and leaps to his feet, ready to fight. But fighting is the last thing Cyprian, the handso…



by J.D. Walker

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Alister Redgrave knows he's a dork. He dresses in ill-fitting suits and trips over imaginary obstacles constantly; then there's his Star Trek underwear. Still, he hopes to find the love of his life one day. And when he meets Jaiden Greyson, the new Assistant CFO in the Finance department, Alister knows he's found his dream guy. Except, Alister makes a fool of himself repeatedly in front of Jaiden and decides he doesn't have a chance in hell.<br><br>Jaiden Greyson doesn't know what to make of Ali…