All I Want for Christmas

All I Want for Christmas

by Paul Alan Fahey

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Thinking with his head and not his heart is an occupational hazard for Professor Leland Hansen. He does fine as a researcher dealing with statistics and experimental designs and guiding doctoral students through the dissertation process. But affairs of the heart are another matter. Leland teaches at a small, religious college in New England, and the anxiety of losing his position over his lifestyle eventually causes a painful breakup with the one true love of his life, Cliff Emerson.<br><br>When…

Angel Wings and Bullets

Angel Wings and Bullets

by E.F. Mulder

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A seemingly lost little girl leads Bart to the scene of a horrible accident. As he consoles Sawyer, who crashed his bike into a New York City bus, he finds himself comforted instead when Sawyer offers him a pendant to keep him safe as he heads off to boot camp and eventually war.<br><br>More than a decade later, the pair are reunited on Thanksgiving Day, one on one side of a soup kitchen serving table, one on the other. They nearly miss each other, but fate -- or something else -- seems to want …

Heavy Metal Bicycle Blues

Heavy Metal Bicycle Blues

by J.D. Walker

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Kenny Culpepper is a spin instructor at a local gym, but he used to be a bike courier, too. Truth is, he’s still recovering from the time his former roommate, Biff Tremonte, viciously attacked him and threw him out of their apartment for being gay. Only his close friends Damien and Les helped him survive and gave him a place to stay.<br><br>Now that Damien has moved in with his boyfriend in the duplex upstairs, Kenny has more time to himself than he knows what to do with. Then he receives a lett…

I'll Take the Rain

I'll Take the Rain

by J.M. Snyder

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My boyfriend and I go to the same college, and one of the things I enjoy most is sharing a room with him. Sharing a bed. I hoped living together would improve our relationship, which has grown rocky as of late.<br><br>But he's the jealous type, and I always seem to say or do the wrong thing at the wrong time. I don't mean to provoke him; sometimes I just don't think how my actions might hurt him.<br><br>Unfortunately, our roommate only sees us when we're at our worst, so she thinks things are ba…

The Prodigal Daughter

The Prodigal Daughter

by J.P. Garland

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Beth Jenkins, raised in an Irish Catholic family outside Chicago, with her father a retired Chicago cop, would not acknowledge to her family that she was gay, fearing how they would react. She moved to New York, visiting her home occasionally. At Christmas just over three years before the story begins, and against her better judgment, she responds to the when-I-you-going-to-find-a-man question by coming out.<br><br>Any hopes of staying are shattered when her father says he will not sit at the sa…



by J.M. Snyder

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Jerry Bennett doesn't consider himself an "old fogey." At 43, he's still a swinging bachelor, spending his weekends with whoever catches his fancy, male or female. He's still sexy and he knows it.<br><br>But when his company switches from Windows-based computers to MacBooks, Jerry feels outdated. Refusing to conform, he continues to use his laptop, until a porn video he viewed on it infects the PC with a virus, and he has to call the IT department for help.<br><br>The guy who comes to his rescue…



by Dianne Hartsock

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There’s a presence in the attic, malevolent, waiting. When Bennie’s aunt passes away, he’s given the task of sorting her things before the estate sale. But the chore that should have been a pleasant visit to the past becomes a nightmare for him and his longtime lover Jordan as the dark presence in the attic seeks a new home in them.<br><br>Their once gentle and sensual love turns to a dark passion, hard and rough and hurtful. Jordan sees the change, but will his love be strong enough to save the…

In the Cool of the Evening

In the Cool of the Evening

by Gordon Phillips

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When recent college graduate Mark decides to visit to Europe to see the culture, a friend gives him a letter of introduction to an elderly man in Paris who “might be worth visiting.”<br><br>During their visit, the Parisian reads Mark a letter from a friend about a heart-breaking romantic gay encounter in a tiny Balkan town. Years have passed and the letter writer can’t find the town or person again, and has been haunted by this loss ever since.<br><br>The letter remains with Mark even after he r…

Stand and Fight

Stand and Fight

by Feral Sephrian

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In this tale of pre-Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell forbidden love, Chas is a champion high school-level boxer turned paragon Naval officer who no one would dare accuse of being anything less than masculine. However, he secretly struggles with his homosexuality, which is known only by himself and Esmeralda, his best friend in the French Naval port of Toulon.<br><br>That is, until he’s found out by fellow gay crewman, Michael. The two spark up a relationship, but all is not well when Chas's homophobic bunk…

Under Kintano

Under Kintano

by Jake Harding

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Professional dog walker and part-time brownstone-sitter, Adam Schultz attends a Three-Minute Dating Engagement in Greenwich Village to help him find Mr. Right.<br><br>Schultz world tilts on its axis when he meets Kintano Kind. The man is sweet, big, black, sexy, and works with autistic children. He treats Schultz like a king on their steamy and fun-filled dates.<br><br>Things become serious when Schultz is invited to meet Kintano’s parents and he begins to wonder if Kintano is his Mr. Right. Can…

The Best Man for Me

The Best Man for Me

by J.D. Walker

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The rehearsal dinner on the night before Royce Lummis' wedding is a disaster. Thad, his fiancé, is stuck in a meeting and can't make it. Rodney, the best man and Royce's ex, stands in for Thad, but an argument between them almost ends in a fight. Fed up, Royce leaves the rehearsal only to be waylaid by Rodney, who apologizes and entices Royce with an impromptu bachelor party.<br><br>Rodney is ready to take a very drunk Royce home when they encounter Thad entering the bar with a date. Heartbroken…

At Your Service

At Your Service

by J.M. Snyder

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Danny's friend Jen is always trying to play match-maker, looking for the perfect guy for him. When they stop at a restaurant for an early dinner, she decides their waiter Todd is "The One." He's sexy, cute, flirty ... and obviously interested in Danny.<br><br>Jen conspires with another employee to get the waiter's number, determined to hook Todd up with her friend.<br><br>Danny doesn't know whether to be grateful for her help, or mortified at the lengths she'll go to just to get him a date.

A Cold Night's Sleep

A Cold Night's Sleep

by Vincent Diamond

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When injured ex-cop Sandy Richter meets ex-con Mitchell Tanner, the two get off to a fiery start. After years of carrying pain and guilt, will Tanner help to soften the hard-edged former cop?

Free Willy

Free Willy

by Rob Rosen

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Brad likes to go commando, and freeing his willy at work turns him on. Sometimes he even gets off on it, which only adds to the excitement.<br><br>But he must be losing his touch, because his coworker Lou catches him in the act. The two are workplace adversaries, always trying to one-up each other, and Lou constantly undermines Brad in front of the bigwigs. If he tells anyone Brad jerks off at work ...<br><br>To say Brad hates Lou would be an understatement. But there's no denying the man is sex…



by Paul Alan Fahey

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Blake believes in love at first sight; Stanley isn’t so sure. Their lifelong romance begins with a random meeting in a bar and ends in happily ever after.<br><br>As the years pass, Stanley’s struggling literary career takes off, and Blake finds fulfillment as a counselor at a local community college. When the AIDS epidemic strikes their small town in the 1980s, their resolve and relationship are tested. The only way to survive the crisis is to draw strength in the love they share.<br><br>Later, …

The Pooka's Share

The Pooka's Share

by K.L. Noone

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Faerie horses should at least show up on time. That’s Aidan’s opinion, anyway. He’s been waiting for the pooka all night, to catch it stealing apples from human orchards. This Magical Enforcement Division assignment’s supposed to be easy -- and Aidan could use the break, after a previous case gone badly wrong. But when the apple-thief pooka does show up, it takes the shape of a gorgeous young man ... who doesn’t seem to mind being captured at Aidan’s hands.<br><Br>Ink left his herd to seek out a…

More, by All Mores

More, by All Mores

by Tinnean

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All the Honorable St. John Ashford ever wanted was his father’s love, but if he can’t have that, he’ll settle for being noticed. In an effort to do that, St. John sets his sights on Andrew Dorincourt, a man for whom the Viscount has nothing but disdain. Surely this will draw his father’s attention? Unfortunately, while Andrew seems willing to date him, he appears entirely disinterested in anything else. St. John knows it’s just a matter of time before all his plans going up in smoke, especially…



by Wayne Mansfield

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Nathan Crosby has a gambling addiction that cost him almost everything he owns. When he tries to run out on newcomer Leroy in a backroom poker game, his troubles escalate. Leroy is not what he appears to be, nor does he have any intention of letting Nathan off the hook. On the contrary, he has an extremely interesting way of obtaining all he is owed.<br><br>Unfortunately for Nathan, the payment will be far larger than the initial debt. He will be marked by every lie he has ever told, and the pun…



by A.F. Henley

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Malcolm didn’t have a lot going for him. He wasn’t one of the blessed, or one of the beautiful. He didn’t have many talents. He was, however, a damn good chef. He worked hard and he insisted on perfection -- not just from himself but also from everyone else in his kitchen. And if that made others miserable, that was just too damn bad. If one couldn’t live up to expectations then one didn’t belong at Burgeon Manor.<br><br>Darien on the other hand, was everything Malcolm envied, hated, and secretl…

Blake Blacks Out

Blake Blacks Out

by Rafe Jadison

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Blake is perfect. Well, at least he looks that way. His hair is thick. His features are nice. Everyone loves him, and to Blake's frustration, everyone falls in love with him, or at least they say they do.<br><br>Then something happens. Blake blacks out. In those most crucial of intimate moments, Blake blacks out.<br><br>After 101 horrible dates, Blake gets an offer from a man who swears he can handle him. But can sexy Jerome overlook what Blake considers to be his biggest flaw?