High Water Mark

High Water Mark

by Tom Munroe

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Dominic, an EMT from Michigan, travels to Italy to discover his heritage. But after visiting the small town where his great grandparents lived, he finds so much more. The historical treasures of Rome. The priceless artwork of Florence. And then on to Venice to explore the city billed as “Disneyland for Adults.”<br><br>But the city is battling a historic flood, altering his plans and setting him on a course he never could have imagined, a path that intersects with the lives of three others. Sandr…

Searching for Solid Ground

Searching for Solid Ground

by Valerie Mores

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Quinn is in love with a very much taken Skylar. But after finding Skylar bleeding and unresponsive at the hands of his boyfriend, Quinn is sure the world is playing a cruel joke. Recovery is long and hard, but Quinn is determined to be supportive and caring for Skylar. He just wants the chance to show Skylar there is still hope for him, that someone cares and loves him. And Quinn will be there for Skylar, whatever he needs, even if it's just a hand to hold.<br><br>Skylar isn’t prepared for his w…

The Agency

The Agency

by Edward Kendrick

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When runaway Kip Faulkner was seventeen, he witnessed two men commit a murder. Fear kept him from telling Sheriff Long the truth about what he'd seen. Guilt made him turn his life around. Eleven years later, he's the owner of a reputable private investigation agency in Denver.<br><br>John Rigby looks like a typical biker, tattoos and all. But Kip discovers he’s the antithesis of that stereotype when he hires John to work for his agency.<br><br>When Kip learns about a recent killing exactly like …

One Man's Junk

One Man's Junk

by David Connor

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Julian Junk was often teased about his last name and his father's occupation as a garbageman. Mackensie Keller grew up privileged and spoiled. As teens, Junk and Mickey make plans for their future, but when Mickey is sent off to boarding school, he tells Junk their parents are probably right -- they just don't belong together.<br><br>Back in town ten years later, Mickey is all grown up. He and Junk reconnect as adults, but so much was said, and so much has changed. Though he asks for forgiveness…

The Tenor Tuner

The Tenor Tuner

by Etienne

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Josh Carpenter is gay, and blind since birth. He’s about to graduate from college, and is already an extremely competent piano tuner. He and his best friend Norman Simms encounter a pair of twins while walking on the beach, and their lives are changed forever, and for the better.<br><br>They eventually set up housekeeping with the twins, and begin to live a full life, calling themselves the four gay musketeers.

David and Andrew Book 3: The Next Generation

David and Andrew Book 3: The Next Generation

by Terry O'Reilly

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Brad Sturgis, adopted son of Andy Barnes and David Bennett, is all grown up and ready to face life with his boyfriend, Hank Reynolds. However, he soon discovers life away from the Bennett-Barnes household proves much trickier than it seemed when he was growing up.<br><br>Brad finds many things in Hank’s work as a horse trainer competing for the man’s attention and affection. The time-consuming nature of the equine show world and the constant demands of the clients Hank coaches -- their interest …

Between the Shadow and the Soul

Between the Shadow and the Soul

by Terry O'Reilly

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Ryan doesn’t expect too much from his weekend at the Shadows and Souls fan convention in Tahoe -- he wants to meet his online friends, engage in a few heated debates about the plot for the upcoming season, and maybe shake the hand of the TV show’s star, Johnny Marlowe. But his weekend goes off course almost immediately after his arrival. First, the hotel loses his booking. Then Johnny Marlowe talks to him like they’re actual friends. And while his head is still spinning, a ghost attacks him in t…

You Had Me at Hero

You Had Me at Hero

by Michael P. Thomas

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When seventeen-year-old Mark Potts fell from a balcony, he lost both the use of his legs and any faith in heroes. Now twenty-nine, he’s long-since come to terms with his injury. His job provides more opportunities for eye-rolling than for riding to anybody’s rescue, but with two kids to bring up, he barely has time for his husband, much less for heroics. Besides, Starr Bradford is a policeman -- how many heroes does one family need?<br><br>Mark and Starr love each other madly, but stress managem…



by Dianne Hartsock

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From the moment Taden rescues Nathaniel from the Sutherlin soldiers' torture, he finds himself caught in the gaze of the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen; amazing eyes that hold him thrilled and confused. The Sutherlins are planning to invade the beautiful Tahon Valley, but as Taden secrets Nathaniel from their reach, he finds himself drawn to the young man. Not only does he feel the urge to protect him, but he feels an ache he hasn't felt in many long years.<br><br>Nathaniel claims to be a tr…

When the Jazzman Sings

When the Jazzman Sings

by Karma Eastwick

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Because of a deathbed promise to his father, Elijah Peck reluctantly left his friends and successful career in Bridgeport to return to Willowby, Connecticut, the small town of his upbringing, in order to run the antique shop that had been in his family for generations. Now, in just the span of two years, Eli has morphed into a social recluse, isolated in what he believes is a stuffy, suffocating nowheresville. With no thriving gay community at his disposal, and with his entire existence wrapped …

The Thanksgiving Invitation

The Thanksgiving Invitation

by Eve Morton

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On Thanksgiving weekend, Beatrix “Trixie” Fairchild expects her three grown children to meet her in Niagara Falls. For what, she won't say -- but her cryptic invitation spark a certain kind of magick and makes it so each one of her adult children returns to their hometown with hope, and only a small amount of resentment, in their hearts.<br><br>Whether it's Ivy, the oldest, who fears following in her mother's witchy footsteps; or Hazel, the middle child with itchy feet and a wanderlust that can'…

Under Snow and Stars

Under Snow and Stars

by Gareth Vaughn

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Eryx is part of a team of scientists charged with monitoring and protecting relocated animals on a privately owned planet. When sensors indicate poachers, Eryx leaves base to confront them, only to lose his way in a sudden snow. After trudging to a nearby observation station for shelter, he comes across an unexpected intruder.<br><br>Smuggler Leander flies an old, sometimes unreliable ship. When the engine starts to fail, he attempts to set down on the nearest planet where he’s stashed supplies,…

Aria of the Eclipse

Aria of the Eclipse

by Vivien Dean

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Nothing has ever excited Tylen Merodine more than being invited by the Regent himself to celebrate the first solar eclipse in his planet’s recorded history. It’s the party of the millennium, and if he has to restrain his normal exuberant instincts to fit in, that’s what he’ll do to be a part of it. His good intentions vanish, however, the moment he’s presented to the Regent. Because there, in a gilded cage, playing music unlike anything Tylen’s ever heard, is the most beautiful alien he could im…

Space, Man

Space, Man

by Sharon Maria Bidwell

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Whoever said space was cold, never found love from the stars ...<br><br>Some people never learn. This is the tune playing once again in Alex Beaumont’s head when he sees a vision in white attracting odd glances in the quiet little seaside resort of Padstow. He came to get away from it all, to bury himself in work, to forget every man he ever falls for eventually needs to get away ... from him.<br><br>Adrift in the universe, Mani searches for a place to call home. The planet he finds is cold and …

Smoke and Spots

Smoke and Spots

by Deirdre O’Dare

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When firefighter Grady Ashcroft adopts his deceased sister’s son, he knows life will change. He never expected to be a dad, but he’ll give young Jamie his best, even if it means a celibate life in a new home. He does not expect to find the man of his dreams in the Colorado village where he takes a new job, either.<br><br>Sullivan Parker wanted to be chief of the Valle Vista fire department when the former chief was forced to leave. Instead, the town council hires a stranger from far away. Despit…

Blackstone Manor

Blackstone Manor

by Kassandra Lea

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Io is a Masonry Gargoyle tasked with looking after old buildings to help maintain a balance, and he’s hopelessly in love with his alpha, Cinder. If only he wasn’t such a screw up. With Cinder’s birthday right around the corner, Io is convinced he has found the perfect gift -- Blackstone Manor, an estate that has captivated Cinder for years. He just needs to find the deed before the house is demolished.<br><br>Of course, keeping the gift a secret from the bitter beta Ran’imy may prove easier said…

Shooting for the Moon

Shooting for the Moon

by Gareth Vaughn

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With winter holidays approaching, it's supposed to be a time for romance and togetherness for Colton and Ben. Except climate change has erased the chance for a white Christmas, their rent is going up, and neither of them have energy after working all day and barely getting to see each other. As their frustrations mount and finances dwindle, it almost seems more likely they'll be single for the new year rather than doing anything special for each other.<br><br>Colton isn't willing to give up with…

Treading Dangerous Ground

Treading Dangerous Ground

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Seasoned Unifleet officer Jayce Hightower takes care of his troops. That includes supporting green soldier Balt Donovan through his first exposure to combat. What Jayce had not expected was that the striking young man would soon come to dominate his dreams, stirring unfamiliar and disturbing desires.<br><br>When he learns Balt is similarly attracted to him, the situation starts to careen out of control putting both their careers in jeopardy. Jayce almost welcomes the hazardous assignment that se…

Creature Comfort

Creature Comfort

by Eve Morton

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Sheamus O'Mallory misses the good old days. Back when you could smoke without worrying about getting cancer, police work was simple, and Toronto hadn't been rebranded The Neon City, supernatural refuge of the country. Now monsters crawl around every single corner, and while it makes for good business working as a PI in this new neon landscape, he can't help but miss a lot of other creature comforts.<br><br>Things change when he's been tasked to track Jake Ohk, an MIA werewolf who needs to return…

A Light in the Dark

A Light in the Dark

by Thomas Grant Bruso

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Christian Rivers has been single for a year and a half. Emotionally disconnected, he focuses on writing his next best seller. Unfortunately, his neighbor’s teenage son, Bret Hicks, causes trouble next door with his bad friends hanging out, smoking marijuana, drinking, and abusing Christian's dog, Darth Vader.<br><br>Incensed, Christian phones Milestone County’s Sheriff Philip Erickson to lay an animal cruelty charge. When Sheriff Erickson arrives, the two men have coffee, and a spark of attracti…