Dear readers, This is the most edited version of Lucy Wickshire on the net for my readers, whose eyes itch at mistakes.
Synopsis: One misty day, the higher realms call for penance; the head of a mother and child requested. The stench of blood carried on for miles, A whiff of pain trailed down pine-covered hills. A mother's head taken on a spike, a child saved despite great battle. A failure to be dreaded for years to come. Banking on time, the realms prepare for when a child becomes a woman. But the impatient child would never reward enemies with even time. A promise; One should resolve a child's grudge before the breast milk is dry. A prayer; May the realms rue the day they failed to kill Lucy Wickshire.
You are about to read the accounts of Lucy Torgenn of Wickshire and the millions of bodies burned as a backdrop to a child's rage.
Hi guys, finally, lucy wickshire comes to qidian... I hope you like it, be sure to tell me what you think. Thanks to all who dare to read... Kekeke
I'm a martial arts kind of person with my books, and would not usually read this kind but, I admit if you dare to read, you will be hooked.. The plot is too deep. I guess I was kind of annoyed with not getting my martial arts fix, but last weeks chapter killed it! 🙌 it was a martial arts book all along. It just needed time to get there. 😭
Lucy wickshire is one badass lady and I loooove don't wanna cross her else you won't know how you died hehe.. The plot is amazing fill with schemes ,passion ,assassins , far am loving every bit of it.. And hungrrrry for more.
Am I the only one that's not okay with this book coming to qidian? I mean, that would mean double posting and she said the ones here would be more edited than the other in royal road. I've got no problem with that an all, as long as it does not affect our daily release on royal road, unedited an all.
Yesss! So right! Lucy wickshire coming to Qidian is long over due... But I'll still remain reading at royal road it's so far ahead. #Femaleprotagonist
Hi guys, though you may see book 1 and 2, in all my web series platforms including here, it will be one book. Fear not. I will be posting here in two days.... Wait for it.
Absolutely in love with this book, having not read in quite a while I was worried I would have trouble getting sucked in, but I am hooked! The characters are beautifully described, and I can tell already that their development will not cease to amaze me
I’m hooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE IT. BEST BOOOK EVER. one question...How many chapters there are in the boook?...............................................................
Would be nice if there was a story... instead I get a plug for a book..... not ever going to support a bait and switch author... I bookmarked it 3 months ago since it had high reviews... boy am I glad I never started....
Best Story ever,......................... ................................. ....................... .................. ............. ........... ........ ..... ... .. . .
Join the Lucy Wickshire community on discord. When Lucy Wickshire releases, there will be some promotions that come with perks for you the reader. This will be specifically for those on discord. How crazy are you about this book?
Ohhhhhhhhh! It's on qidian....... Finally! This book is the best female protagonist book ever.... Lucy is one scary lady..... This book is surely a hidden gem and totally worth trying out..
I'm hooked... I hope the author will update it here... The story is really amazing. I can't stop myself reading, I even forget to sleep. Please please update🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Very interesting read. At least read the first 10 or so chapters to test the waters. Characters have depth although its not the best nor is it the worst. Numerous grammatical errors unfortunately, although it should be somewhat easy to puzzle out the real meaning with context.