A man named Reiji from Earth, who is a shaman from Japan and comes from a famous family of shamans. Reiji is a talented and very powerful shaman. However, Reiji then disappears when facing the resurrected Yamata no Orochi, who attempts to kill people.
Instead of ending up in heaven or hell, Reiji finds himself in a room. In that room, there are various children with red hair. Seeing this, Reiji is confused and astonished.
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" asks a girl next to Reiji.
"What? Who are you? No, who are all of you?" Reiji instead questions back, staring in wonder.
"What do you mean? Aren't we all Uzumaki?" the girl replies with a puzzled expression.
"... Oh damn," Reiji mutters quietly.
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there's something I really need to know about this is it before or after the uzumaki were attacked.