"In a twist of fate, Blake finds himself reincarnated into the world of High School DxD, a universe brimming with angels, demons, and supernatural forces. Gifted with the power to plunder luck and travel across worlds, Blake is determined to forge a destiny of unmatched power, endless wealth, and a harem of breathtakingly beautiful women. As he navigates a path filled with powerful allies, fearsome enemies, and thrilling adventures, Blake must uncover his true potential. Will he rise above the challenges and become a legend, or will the lurking darkness claim him?"
"Host has successfully integrated into this world. Activating the Luck Plunder System..."
1%... 36%... 78%... 99%... 100%!
Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own anime nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.
Is the harem going to be Rias Or Sona?? (I hope it's Sona it's always Rias *Sigh*)