In "Wish Odyssey," Hackerfield finds himself transported to a mysterious realm where he encounters the Overseer of the Universe. Offered seven wishes and the chance for reincarnation, Hackerfield crafts a master plan for his new life. With each wish carefully chosen, he navigates a world of limitless potential, armed with powers and abilities beyond imagination. As he embarks on his journey, Hackerfield must confront challenges, forge alliances, and unravel the secrets of his newfound abilities. But with great power comes great responsibility, and Hackerfield soon discovers that his wishes may have consequences beyond his wildest dreams. Will he use his gifts for good, or will he succumb to the temptations of ultimate power? "Wish Odyssey" is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the eternal quest for purpose.
Hey everyone!
I've just created a new Discord server where you can check out all the amazing character art for our project! Feel free to join us and see the visuals that bring our characters to life. Here's the invite link: []
Looking forward to seeing you all there and sharing more about the characters with you!