An ordinary human is condemned to suffer eternally in hell, but before falling into the hands of the abyss, he is given the opportunity to repent in a new life. Now turned into a Pikachu, he will have to pay for his sins in a new world.
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
Drugs are bad
5 months ago
It is a very good story and full of fight scenes and a lot of action, I also like how you tell the story, keep it up your story is great :D
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad
It is a very good story and full of fight scenes and a lot of action, I also like how you tell the story, keep it up your story is great :D ........