In an ancient realm ruled by cold-hearted lords, the power of dominance and submission weaves through the lives of the powerful. Lord Zephyrion, the ruler of a mighty clan, is feared for his icy demeanor and ruthless methods. Known for conquering his enemies, his heart remains frozen—until he comes across Lysander, a delicate beauty from a noble family he vanquished. Captivated by Lysander's fragile appearance and defiant spirit, Zephyrion claims him as his bride, though not in the traditional sense. Bound by chains of possession, Lysander is thrust into a world of forbidden desires and ruthless control.
Lysander's life, once filled with dreams of freedom and honor, now revolves around the twisted love of a man who views him as nothing more than a prize to be owned. As their relationship intensifies, Zephyrion's obsession grows darker, intertwining lust and cruelty. The once proud and resilient Lysander is torn between resisting his captor and succumbing to the desires he never knew he had. Through this tumultuous journey, their lives spiral into a dangerous web of power, lust, and submission.
The novel explores themes of dominance, captivity, and the complex emotions that evolve between captor and captive. With every twist and turn, Lysander's fragile existence becomes consumed by Zephyrion's thirst for control, as he both punishes and cherishes his only bride.