Miranda is a renowned writer of the novel called Forgotten Melody, a romantic melodrama novel that won the hearts of many. Coincidently, her novel ends with a sad ending and upsets many of her fans. Even when she was asked to change the end of the story, she was adamant and thought it was a perfect ending for the story.
One night she went to bed, and the next day she wakes up in an entire different world. She became a character in her story. Not Protagonist nor antagonists but a mere maid. In a process of wanting to come back to a normal world, Miranda experienced an adventures journey along with the main characters in her novel.
This my first novel in webnovel, I hope you all enjoy
The story is fresh, I like it !! It gives me a different vibe from what I'm used to
I love it!! I had being bored for a while and I think this tory is nice although it doesn't have a lots of recommends but I can recommend people to read it.
I have ready until 60 chapter. I must say the ending of volume one is very tragic for both Kael and Miranda. I wonder how their relationship will unfold in their next volume. I hope things don't get weird between them but fight to conqueror....by the way like how Miranda has become stronger😍