Title: The One-Eyed Ghoul
Simon Ichigo, a teenager, is brutally attacked by his lover, who reveals their true nature as a ghoul. As Simon lies dying, he is transformed into a half-human, half-ghoul creature, earning him the moniker "One-Eyed Ghoul".
Forced to flee his home, Simon is trapped by his ghoul lover, who is building an army to destroy humanity. As Simon struggles to maintain his humanity, he is torn between his loyalty to his fellow humans and his newfound connection to the ghoul world.
With his existence a threat to both humans and ghouls, Simon must navigate this treacherous new world and find a way to escape his captor's clutches. But will he be able to reclaim his life, or will he succumb to his new existence and join the fight against humanity?
This dark and thrilling tale explores the blurred lines between love, loyalty, and survival, as Simon fights to maintain his humanity in a world where he no longer fully belongs.
It's an interesting story, nice setting and plot adaptation. The story line is subtle and engaging. The setting and background is well written. Love it. Keep it up
honestly, this story has a lot going for it, but the writing isn't good, it needs a lot of improvement.
Top notch. The story has the thrilling vibes to provide consistency in reading. Every day is new hurdle and every chapter is a cliffhanger. Congrats to the writer 🙌❤️😫 Keep it up👍
This book is actually amazing. A nice adaptation, detailed background and fights. I love it bruh🙌😇. Just keep it up, the thrill and everything.
This story was interesting. How the setting/background were describe, one can vividly visualize the place and its surroundings. With regards to the characters, the author created their emotions with such intensity and clarity. There's just one thing I've noticed, one the way to narration and dialogues were put up, there should be spaces to seperate the lines of each characters, so as it won't be a bit confusing. But, all in all, it was a good start. Keep it up!