In the opulent world of aristocracy, Seraphina Alaric, a delicate young woman, is on the brink of an arranged marriage that promises to change her life in ways she could never have imagined. Trapped by societal expectations and her fragile health, she yearns for a taste of freedom and control over her destiny.
Amidst a grand banquet, Seraphina's path crosses with the mysterious and alluring Duke of Everwyn, setting the stage for a series of unpredictable events. She impulsively proposes an intimate encounter that will shape the course of her life in ways she could never have foreseen.
As they steal away to a secluded room, Seraphina discovers desires she never knew she had, and a strength within herself that she had long suppressed.
But when she found out the man she slept with last night was her future husband...
"Duke, It Hurts..." promises to unravel a tale of self-discovery, forbidden passion, and the delicate love between the couple.
there is one thing I need to say this is so good !I'm loving this -
Shameless author review here... don't mind me and read your fantasy here...
I’m really liking it so far and looking forward to mor! Added to my library.
I was immediately immersed in poor Seraphina's story. Looking forward to what would happen to her after the marriage. Keep updating, author.
I was immediately immersed in poor Seraphina's story. Looking forward to what would happen to her after the marriage. Keep updating, author.