In a world ravaged by the Third Ninja World War, Shin, a recent graduate from ninja school, feels the weight of impending danger. Armed with only basic skills—a few jutsu and a basic hemostasis technique—he realizes he’s ill-prepared for the challenges ahead. As he grapples with the harsh realities of shinobi life. Faced with the chaos of war, he makes a bold decision: instead of fighting in a brutal war, he will escape to a more adventurous world.
Raw: 忍界大战太危险,跑路去当海贼吧
Following tradition, rating my work as 5 starts. Please give it a chance and dive into the story. Your feedback is important, whether you loved it or see areas for improvement. Thank you for being part of this journey!
Wlep, everything was good until the mc went murder hobo. thats it for me ig
is this a translation or original? it's good
Reveal Spoiler
Hall of flame [img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Feeling it][img=Feeling it][img=Feeling it][img=Feeling it][img=Feeling it][img=Feeling it][img=Feeling it]
It started well, but as the story progresses the main character becomes an extra who doesn't do anything, just participates in some unimportant fights, he doesn't even interact with the characters, I think in 5 years he only talked to 4 people, he It even changes the story a little but there is no reaction to it, he is basically an extra wanting to be a stronger extra but still having no role in the world
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
It's interesting, I hope It could skip cliché of going after Hancock or Robin. [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]
Nice story keep it up.
It's a good fanfic. Picture is not that great tho. --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Feeling generous, might isekai you later.
Aside from some incorrect infos, this was quite enjoyable. MC is also quite likeable.
So far so good, I hope the author doesn't drop it.
interesting huheuueh ehuue heuhue huehheue