The endless, cold, hard ice fields of the far north. Winter wolves stalk, frost tigers hiss and giants roar. ......... Many creatures brave the snowy skies to fight for survival. At the same time, a white dragon hatchling with the power of time breaks out of its shell and...
It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload.
3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon!
The story belongs entirely to the original author.
This is the same story as "The Dragon who Controls Time" which was posted on webnovel. It just has a way worse translation.
The grammer is really good don’t know what the other comment is talking about
Pros: The plot is not too boring and very interesting. Especially when the Mc is a dragon. cons: it's a Chinese MTL so it will have some of its influences still there. after the hundredth chapter mark the quality seem to get slightly worse with names changing constantly and occasionally chapters intermixing or chapters jumbling up. overall this is one of the best fics I have read if you ignore the cons
loving the book so far CH 71 the concept of an MC with time powers is interesting. looking forward to more............................................
The best light novel with the main character is a dragon, everything goes smoothly, but it’s quick and not boring to read, since the world is huge and there are many strong enemies who can finish off the main character, it’s also very interesting to watch the relationship of the main character with the rest of the dragons and his mother, I really want so that he can breed with other dragon species
time dragon good book, well written as well.
Time Dragon SI 'Forgotten Realms' story written by a Chinese person. No System, just story and the Chinese who wrote this seems to have at least tried to keep the original spirit of the world intact.
Él mc es un reencarnado, es un dragón, súper fuerte, el más guapo de su especie, hasta ahí todo bien, la historia es interesante, pero apenas, el hecho de que mc reencarnará es prácticamente inútil, pues mc literalmente abandona todos sus recuerdos de su vida pasada en los primeros capítulos, ya que la herencia del dragón es significativamente superior, no hay diferencia entre ser un dragón reencarnado o no, mc incluso odia tomar forma humana porque se siente incómodo, en fin, si buscas una historia de un poderoso dragón virgen que quiere volverse omnisciente por alguna razón, está es tu historia, bastante aventura y combates, pero nada más, Cómo fan del romance y la comedia, acompañando todo lo anterior, está historia no me gustó personalmente, pero no es una mala historia.
How in the hell did i not come across this sooner??? Thank god i found this
just don't drop this novel...